Chapter Two

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I had my hands and face pressed against the window of the bus as I stared through the glass, hoping that my dear friend would show up. Also, I was kicking my legs, for I was truly excited.

Where my classmates and I were going would be an event that I will never forget.


We were heading to a camp called Camp Forgotten, the only camp that is in Forlot. It is no summer camp. Rather, it is more like a field trip. A field trip
that makes you escape from school for two weeks.

Yep! Two whole weeks of fun and no school!

This would be my first time attending this camp - strange name - and none of my classmates had been there either. But from what I heard from the kids who had the opportunity to go, Camp Forgotten sounded like the camp of a lifetime. Nothing but good things.

"It is the definition of paradise," a boy who went last year commented. "It is nothing but fun under the sun, and all your troubles are washed away."

"That camp is the best experience that I have ever known," a girl who attended two years ago complimented. "If I had to go again, I most certainly would! No regrets."

My parents and I moved to the town of Forlot last year. It is a bizarre town, yes. With its purple skies and weird laws. But it was my home now, and I love it. I could have gone to the camp then, however, there was too much going on with my mom and dad.

You see, my mom had cancer and finished with treatment, and my dad was fighting pancreatitis. My parents desperately needed my assistance, so I was not allowed to go that year.

Thankfully, things had gotten better. Dad was still dealing with his pancreatitis, but it was not as bad as it was before. And Mom...she defeated cancer! It vanished. Completely.

My parents became independent once again, and I saw myself doing what any kid would do. Play video games. Read a good book. It felt that my family was returning to normal.

So it did not come as a surprise that I had to beg to my parents when I received a permission slip to attend Camp Forgotten. I really desired to go.

"Please? Collin is going again."

They told me that since I did a great job in taking care of them and doing extra chores to help them out, I deserved it and signed me up.

You probably can imagine my reaction when they agreed.

I was jumping up and down and running around the house!

What is that? You readers are asking who the crub is Collin?

Well, sit back. 'Cause there is so much that I have to tell you about him.

And unfortunately, some parts of it are sad.

Collin Jackson is a sweet guy and my best friend. He was the first person whom I met when my parents enrolled me in the school. He is very smart and loves to invent new things. One time, he invented a robot that had a mind of its own. The robot's name was Ironic.

No. The word Ironic.

Cool, huh?

But poor Collin. He had no friends until I came along. I felt bad for him and decided to hang out with him. That is how we became the best of friends. He helps me with school, and I help him socialize. It is a win-win!

Speaking of him...

The bus was parked in front of Collin's house. The bus driver, Paul, was patiently waiting for him.

"I sure hope that his parents are making him come," Paul said to the group. "They called me and informed me that he would definitely be coming."

"He will," I responded. "He is still grieving. I know. But he will get through it."

Collin was lucky enough to go to Camp Forgotten last year, and his mom and dad were forcing him to go again.


This...this is the really sad part.

Collin was not an only child. He had a brother who was two years older than him and the complete opposite. Outgoing and popular. However, that did not change the fact that they loved each other and cared for one another.

But that all changed a month ago.

Cameron, the name of Collin's brother, went missing and was later found dead. We all suspect that he was killed. Though, we do not know by who.

That took a toll on Collin's life. He missed almost three weeks of school and barely spoke with me. I desperately wanted to help him, could I? It was not like I could wave a magic wand and bring Cameron back.

This is exactly why his parents were making him go. To get away from all the grief and sorrow. That is actually another reason why I am going. To comfort my best friend.

A smile spread across my face as I saw Collin leaving his house and strolling towards the bus. He was dragging a suitcase and a backpack behind him, and his mom and dad were standing in the doorway and waving goodbye to him.

"Hi, Collin," Paul greeted. "How are you?"

Collin did not say a word as he got on the bus - and gasped.

He dropped his bags and pointed to the back of the bus.

"There he is!" he shouted.

"There is who?" I piped up.

"My brother! He is standing in the back!"

"Huh?" I turned my head...

...and saw Cameron.

Forlot: Forgotten Forest - Book Eight {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now