Chapter Twenty-One

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Our counselors forced the students back to their rightful cabins until further notice. Until they were done interrogating my best friend.

The girls were sitting on the wooden floor and in a circle, and I was overhearing every word that came tumbling out of their mouths. How Collin was supposedly the murderer and why. Making all sorts of theories.

"It is obvious!" one of the girls said. "Sheila and Valerie were always bullying him and Ari. He could take them, but not Ari."

I frowned at them. "Excuse me? Are you saying that I could not deal with Valerie and Sheila because I am a girl? You think that I am puny?"

"Yes," Debra replied. "And also because you were the new kid at school."

I was lying on my bed, listening to my surroundings and trying to wrap my mind around the fact that Collin was indeed the person responsible for the bullies. But it was impossible.

That was because Collin had nothing to do with the murders. He was innocent!

"I cannot believe that Collin would be capable of such an evil deed," Debbie said. "However, it makes sense as to why he would go that far."

"He and Ari are close," another girl explained. "To Ari, they are best friends. But to Collin, they are more than that. He loves Ari so much that he would do anything to make her happy. Even if it means to murder people that Ari hates."

I sat up and almost bumped my head against the bottom of the top bed. "First of all, you know that I can hear you. I am in the same room with you. Second of all, I will have you know that Collin would not commit or even attempt murder! He is my best friend, and we have been the best of friends for almost a year. I cannot see him pushing Valerie and stabbing Sheila."

Debbie climbed to her feet and walked up to my bed. She patted my shoulder. "I am sorry, Ari, about your fake friend. But you need to keep telling yourself that he was the boy who was doing the killings."

"Yeah. He is obsessed with you," Debra added. "He wants you all to himself."

I jumped off my bed and let out a growl. "You guys are missing a key point!" I yelled. If he killed Valerie and Sheila, then why did he hurt Josh? Why did he cut Josh's neck? That part does not make sense!"

Debra shrugged. "He is a serial killer. The rules do not apply to him. He can kill whoever he desires."

I tapped my foot impatiently. "Most serial killers, if not all, usually have a reason for killing a person. It is not random."

Debbie raised an eyebrow. "Your point?"

"If Collin killed Sheila and Valerie because they were picking on me, why did he decide to try to get rid of Josh? Josh and I get along very well."

"You just answered your own question," another one of the girls spoke. "He is a serial killer. Mentally ill. And like you said, you and Josh get along well. Too well."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Collin does not like competition. He despises other boys who talk or are near you. He wants you, Ari, and will do the craziest things to make you his."

Debra nodded in agreement. "Why, I would not be surprised if he kidnapped you and held you hostage in Forgotten Forest."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Okay, okay. Let us say that Collin was the suspect. If he is a serial killer and hated Sheila and Valerie, why did he wait this long? Why did he not take care of them sooner?"

"He may be crazy, but he is also incredibly smart," Debbie commented.

"You know what? I am done with all of you. My heart is telling me that Collin is innocent and was set up! The real murderer could have used Collin's shoes to throw us off his track!" I stormed up to the front door and opened it.

"Wait. Where are you going?" Debra asked.

"I am going to have a chat with Josh. Maybe he will have some insight on who cut him. You know. Give some descriptions."

I did not wait for a response from any of the girls. I just exited the cabin and strolled to the boys' cabin. As I passed the counselors' cabin, I took a look through one of the windows and saw Collin shaking.

He was sitting in a chair, and David, Garcia, Belinda, and Melinda were crowded around him, and I guessed that they were asking him questions because their mouths were moving. Well, not Melinda's. From the unsure look on her face, I could tell that she knew that Collin was innocent. After all, she knew him as much as I did.

Poor Collin. He must be so confused. So scared.

I walked up to the boys' cabin and knocked on the door. The door opened, and I was greeted by Ethan.

"Ari," he said. He was surprised to see me. "What are you doing here? You are supposed to stay in the girls' cabin until the counselors say otherwise."

"I know, but I am too worked up about Collin to stay still."

"Well...that is completely understandable." He scratched the back of his neck. "I am sorry about him. I was in complete shock that he is the killer. I still am. Who knew that he was capable?"

I clenched my teeth. "He was incapable because he did not do it." I unclenched them. "May I speak with Josh?"

"Josh is not here. He left the cabin minutes ago."

"Why? Where did he go?" A putrid smell filled my nose. "Ew!" I covered my nose. "What is that smell?"

"What smell?"

"It is coming from behind your cabin." I headed to the back, and Ethan followed.

And we found Josh.


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