Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Debbie sputtered. "B-but they told us—"

"We know, we know," I interrupted. "Did you not hear me the first time? His house is nowhere in the forest. It is perfectly safe. Besides, if the curse is real, that whoever is in Forgotten Forest too long will forget their memories, we will only be in there for about fifteen minutes." I turned to Kyle. "Is that true?"

"Of course, Ari. You know that I would never lie to you." He snapped his fingers and pointed to the forest. "My home is down this way. There is no path that leads from here to the forest, but you thankfully have me to guide you. It might take less time if we go through the shortcut."

Hearing the word "shortcut" interested me. "Really?"

"Yes. I will show you. That is, if you would like to take the shortcut."

"Sure! The sooner that we arrive at your place, the better."

"I guess," Debbie said with nervousness in her voice. "I-I was told by my mom and dad to never take shortcuts. It leads to bad things."

"They were talking about shortcuts that were not literal," Kyle told her. "Like, you should not make shortcuts to get a good grade. Taking actual shortcuts are okay to use. Otherwise, we would not have them."

Debbie looked so unsure of the situation, but responded, "I guess that is true. It would not hurt. But I really think that we should tell the counselors. You know? So they do not freak out and think that we are missing."

I smirked. "Where is the fun in that?"

We soon entered Forgotten Forest. I had grips on Kyle's arm, and Ethan and Debbie were holding hands. They are not dating or anything like that. They just wanted to avoid separating from the group and getting lost.

Collin was quite aways from us, I saw from the corner of my eye, and walking slowly. His head was down so that he was looking at the ground, and his arms swung back and forth as if he were nothing but a lifeless doll.

"Ari?" Kyle said my name.

"Yes?" My eyes were glued to his.

"You and your classmates will be staying at this camp for a while. Is that right?"

"Two weeks." I held up two fingers. "We will leave at on the last day of next week."

"Sweet. So we will continue meeting up with each other."

"If you want that, sure."

"Do you want that, Ari? Do you want to keep seeing me?"

"Absolutely. You are a good friend."

"And hot."

I jumped a little and touched my cheeks, and they were blazing! "P-pardon me?"

"Do you not remember that? You called me hot when we first met."

"Oh, r-right. You are right. Silly me."
He smiled at me. "Hi."

My cheeks were getting hot. "You are hot..."


I gasped and covered my mouth.

He chuckled. "You are right. I am hot." He got on his feet and helped me up. "Just look at me. I am sweating like crazy."

I giggled softly. "I see."
"Are we on the shortcut yet?" Debbie asked. "My legs are getting tired of walking."

I glared at her. "But we have been walking for only five minutes."

"Oh, I am sorry. I did not realize that being scared of four murders would tire me out!"

Kyle kissed my cheek. "And to answer your first question, Debbie, we will be going through the shortcut in three, two, we are!"

He stopped in his tracks, and the rest of us did the same. We glanced up...

...and were a bit surprised. Not disappointed. Just...what the heck?

In case that you readers do not realize, we were still in the forest. We were in front of a large tree with no leaves on it. Instead, there was a treehouse sitting on a few of the branches. It was made of wood - obviously - and colored red and green. The colors were smeared all over the treehouse.

"What is this?" I questioned.

"This, Ari, is my home," Kyle confessed. "My father and I live here."

"You live in that treehouse?"

"Of course. Is that a problem?"

"Gosh, no." I let go of his arm. "No problem at all. I would say that it is unique."

His smile grew wide. "Good."

I glanced at Collin. He seemed sad. But why?

I turned back to Kyle. "May I talk with Collin?"

"Okay. I will get my father."

I watched as he climbed up the tree and disappeared inside the treehouse.

I strolled over to Collin and put a hand on his back. "Collin? You are not happy."

"Why should I be?" he said, not looking at me.

"We made a new friend."

"We? There is no 'we' here. He is your friend. Not mine."

I let out a gasp. "Collin?"

"I do not need to be with a friend who is changing you."

"Changing me?"

"Yes. You are not the girl whom I became friends. You are becoming him!"

"That is ridiculous."

"Ari, I am your best friend. Do you really think that I would joke about something as serious as this?"

I huffed and crossed my arms. "You are just jealous."

"So what if I am? You obviously prefer pretty boy over your true friend."

"That is not true!"

"Who cares if I have friends? Who cares if you are my friend? Who cares if I have feelings for you?!"

That was the icing on the cake.

My eyes softened. "Collin?"

Then we heard a scream.

Collin and I looked in the direction where it was coming from and were horrified.

Kyle was a couple of feet away from us and choking.

No. He was not choking. He was choking Debbie!

He had his hands and fingers wrapped around her throat and...oh my gosh.

"Kyle!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "What are you doing?! Stop! Please!"

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