Chapter Twenty-Two

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Let me say that Melinda, my classmates, and I were completely devastated that Josh was dead, especially the girls. Unlike the bullies' deaths, which my classmates never mourned for because of an obvious reason, Josh's murder hit our hearts hard. Valerie and Sheila were mean and cold-hearted. Josh was the complete opposite, and we had to come to terms that we would never hear his jokes again. Never hear his laughs ever again.

It was not fair! Why did he have to die?!

It was the next day, and we were supposed to play some fun and exciting games. However, no one was in the mood. Not even our counselors, and they were still discussing whether they should allow Paul to take us home or not.

And if they did decide to let us leave, they needed to have a search party for Paul.

Even though that Josh did not deserve his fate, there was a good thing - I cannot believe that I called it good - that came from it, and that was Collin not being a suspect anymore.

Melinda and Belinda examined Josh's dead body and confirmed that he was murdered twenty minutes before Ethan and I found him. My best friend was with the counselors at that time, so he was no longer considered the killer, and to make sure that the rest of the students knew that fact, David released Collin from questioning and informed us that he was innocent.

But poor Collin. He did not catch a break from either the boys or the girls. They were convinced - too convinced - that he was responsible and should have been held accountable.

Collin and the other boys were in their cabin, and the girls and I were in our cabin. Debra, Debbie, and I were sitting on my bed and having a discussion. About my best friend not being the murderer and that the real murderer was still out there. Lucky for me, Debbie and Debra believed that Collin was not the killer.

"I feel terrible. Absolutely terrible," Debra said sadly.

"But it is good that we now know for sure that he did not kill Sheila, Valerie, and Josh," I reassured her and Debbie.

"Tell that to my fellow followers." She pointed at her cellphone that was turned off.

"You posted a public message that stated that Collin is a killer?" Debbie questioned Debra.

"What? It is not my fault that I am at a campsite where our friends are being murdered!"

Debbie clicked her tongue. "I would not call Sheila and Valerie friends. They were more of a nuisance."

"How could you post a message of any kind?" I stated. "We are in the middle of the forest. There is no Wi-Fi."

"Duh. We are fictional characters living in a fictional town in a fictional story. Sometimes, there is no logic."

Debbie pouted. "Do not break the fourth wall. You know that our fellow readers are getting sick of that."

"I do not think that they are."

"Why do you say that?"

"The readers are laughing like crazy!" She pointed a finger at the person who is or people who are reading this book. "See?"

She glanced at the audience and almost fell off my bed. "Woah! How come I never noticed them before?!"

"It is because we are fictional characters! We are too stupid to realize what we really are!"

There was a knock at the door. No. Fast pounding!

Pound, pound, pound! Pound, pound, pound!

"Somebody needs to answer that, or I will make a hole in the door!" one of the girls snapped.

I quickly got up and went up to the door. I decided to not open the door, for I did not know who was on the other side, and called to the mystery person.

"Hello? Could you tell me who you are?"

"Ari? Is that you?"

I recognized the voice in an instant. "Collin?"

"Yes. It is me. Can we talk?"

"It is Collin? The murderer?" one of the other girls overheard our conversation. "Tell him to go take a hike, Ari!"

I glared at her, not giving a crub of what she said, and leaned forward, pressing the side of my face against the door. I whispered, "Sure, Collin. We can definitely talk."

I opened the door and gently pushed my best friend so that the girls would not see him and mock him even more than they already had. Debra and Debbie were right behind me and scurried out of the cabin before I shut the door. Collin did not know that Debbie and Debra were on his side and shook as if he were experiencing an earthquake.

"Please! Do not hurt me!" he pleaded to the two girls as he held up his hands and arms, shielding himself. "I did not kill anyone! I swear!"

"Calm down, Collin," Debbie said softly. "Debra and I believe that you had nothing to do with those murders."

His body immediately stopped shaking. "Y-you do?"

"All the way," Debra said. "We are dummies for even thinking and coming up with excuses as to why you were."

I gently grabbed ahold of his arms and lowered them.

And became so surprised that I felt like crying.

Collin...he looked like that was in some sort of fight. He had scratches all over his arms and legs, and his face was covered with bruises. One of his eyes was shut because it was bruised badly. Purple.

I sniffed, trying to hold back tears. "Collin...what happened to you?"

"Were you in a fight or something?" Debra wondered.

He let out a cough. "Y-you could say that."

I gasped. "You were in a fight?! With who?!" I gripped his shoulders. "Tell me so I can beat the living daylights out of him, her, or them!"

"The boys. Ethan and the other boys."

"Why, I ought to—"

"But the true murderer is the one who gave me the bruised eye."

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