Chapter Twenty-Seven

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My friends and I were sitting on the soft, green grass and a few inches from the campsite, our legs crossed, chatting - mostly about Kyle - and waiting for the results of the fingerprints.

My sister and the other counselors were lucky enough to not call a doctor or scientist to assist with the prints. Belinda was practically a scientist and volunteered to study the prints. Technically, she was not a scientist, however, she knew enough science to be one, even though that she says that science is lame.

And I cannot help but somewhat agree with her. On one hand, science is pretty interesting. On the other, it tries to denounce the Lord. The keyword here is "tries." For shame!

The five of us were in a circle, and I was sitting between Kyle and Collin. Ethan and Debbie listened intently as Kyle was telling the true story of how I rescued him.

"I was so stupid for ending up in the quicksand," Kyle said. "I was taking a walk through the forest and soon found myself sinking."

"How did you even get trapped in it?" Ethan asked. "Did you not see it? I mean, if it were me, I would surely see quicksand right away."

"It is dark in the forest. You can barely see what is in front of you. It would be different if there were daylight or a sun in the sky, but no. We are stuck with a purple sky that changes to blue at night."

"I wonder why that is," Debbie said. "Why does Forlot have a purple sky and a not normal one?"

Ethan leaned forward and placed his hands on the grass, stretching his back. "There are a couple of theories as to why the sky is purple. Some people believe that pollution has something to do with it. Others believe that it is because our writer's favorite color is purple."

"There we go again," I said. "Breaking the fourth wall. You know, that is going to get old real quick."

"I was not trying to break the fourth wall. I was just telling you what some believe."

"I am glad that we have a marvelous, purple sky," Kyle announced. "If we did not, Forgotten Forest would not be so dark, and I would not have gotten in the quicksand..." He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close to him, as if he were giving the hint to everybody that we were a supposed item. "...and be rescued by this angel. Why, she was the only person who heard me."

I could feel my cheeks burning. I have to admit, Kyle was the guy for me. He was handsome, smart, and nice. I was growing fond of him.

Who am I kidding? I was in love with him, and it was clear that he loved me too.

As he told them how I saved him, I played back the event, remembering every detail.
"I will tie one end of this vine around your waist and tug with the other end to pull you out."

He shook. "That vine does not seem sturdy."

"We have to give it a shot. It might work. Now raise
your arms."

He sighed. "Okay..." He finally did what he was told. "...but if it does not work, I will say that I told you so before I die."

"You will not die." I got as close to him as I could and wrapped one end of the vine around him. I stepped a few inches away from the quicksand and gripped the other end tightly. "Ready?"

He held onto the vine. "As I will ever be."
"I thanked her, led her back to the campsite, and returned home," Kyle finished the story. "Speaking of my home, would you like to see it? It is not far from here."

"His home is near the forest," I explained to Collin, Debbie, and Ethan.

Debbie had a scared look on her face and rubbed the back of her neck. "I do not know. I mean...the counselors did say to not enter the forest without adult supervision."

I scrambled to my feet. "I said that his house is near Forgotten Forest. Not in it. We will be fine."

After plenty of convincing from me and Kyle, Ethan and Debbie finally agreed to tag along for the adventure. They already took a liking to Kyle and were curious as to what his house looked like. I was curious too and excited.

"He lives in Forlot. Maybe he and I could keep seeing each other even after the field trip is over," I said to myself. "I could show him where I live. And maybe...maybe we could date. And be a couple. And get married!"

Yeah. I was getting ahead of myself. There was no way that I would let him take me on a date...

...because of what I witnessed.

"Should we inform the counselors where we are going?" Debbie suggested.

Kyle chuckled and smiled. "Where is the fun in that?"

I glanced down at Collin. He had his head in one of his hands and did not seem happy or even intrigued. "Collin? Are you alright?"

He tilted his head up to me. "Just peachy," he replied. "But not Kyle's story."

"What the crub does that mean?"

"His story makes no sense. How could he have gotten in quicksand?"

"He did get in quicksand, Collin. I was there when he was crying for help. I saw him in the quicksand."

"Ari, you do not understand. I read a book about Forgotten Forest, and it says that it is impossible for there to be quicksand in that forest."

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