Chapter Forty

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"Ah! Stop!" I begged, putting my hands on both sides of my head and hoping that they would stop and move on to something else. But they never did.

The dinosaur-like creatures circled around me. They held out their arms, their gray, dirty hands in gripping positions. They were reaching for me.

I wanted to stay away from them. I had to. But the circle that they had created was closing in on me, the tiny claws on their feet scraping against the floor. And when they were inching themselves closer to me, I felt something brush against my skin. No. More than one.

From the corner of my eye, I realized what was coming in contact with me. The fingertips that had been replaced by claws. Talons that were sharp like a needle and cold. Each time that a talon touched me, even if it was lightly, my body shivered. Shivered from the cold that the claws gave off.

As the creatures got closer and closer to me, the fear that had lingered in me from the moment that these creatures who pretended to be my bullies and friends to now grew. But instantly disappeared. Why?

It was replaced. Fear was replaced by an emotion that is far scarier - and braver - and that, my friends, was my anger.

My anger was there for a really long time. Precisely, it had started when the killing spree did. Never had I felt such hatred lingering in my soul. Yes, I have experienced this feeling before - particularly with Sheila and Valerie - but not when it was at a level ten!

I was so angry. At that point, I was wishing that Collin and I never attended this stupid camp. was I supposed to know that all of this would happen?

I balled my hands into fists and clenched my teeth. Both of my muscles and teeth were aching from the positions that I had my hands and mouth in, but I had no care in the world. I had the urge to express myself. Let go of the feelings that I had for so long. I desperately wanted an audience. Of course, I already had an audience.

The creatures.

"Listen up!" I exclaimed with all my might. "I have something to say!"

The scary creatures came to a halt at their chanting and backed away. Their red eyes widened, and some of them uttered a hiss.

Apparently, these creatures could speak English because one of them, the one who had pretended to be Collin, asked me a question.

"You do, huh? Well? What do you have to say for yourself?"

I could feel my whole face getting hot and slowly unclenched my fists. I was breathing hard.

"I hate it here," I said. "I want to go home. To my mom and dad."

One of the creatures whom I had my back facing lunged out and tried to make a grab for me. His dirty arms were outstretched, and his claws were ready to pierce through my skin.

Thankfully, I took notice and dodged. He landed on the hard floor and was now lying on his stomach. I got next to him and with my anger, I was able to kick him so hard that he flew off the floor and sailed through the window. The creature let out a bloodcurdling screech.

"Who was that for?!" the creature who talked earlier snapped. "He was not going to hurt you...much!"

I tossed my hair back, wanting to look like that girl that you do not want to mess with. "I am going home. I do not care whether you like it or not. I am sick of this campsite. I am through dealing with that dumb wizard. So if you will excuse me, I will be taking Collin the doll - my boyfriend - home."

"What about trying to get your friend to return to human form?"

"Are you kidding me? That wizard is stronger and more powerful than I could ever be. I am not selfish, but I do not stand a chance."

"Yes, you do. As a matter of fact..." He came up to me and whispered in my ear. "...we will help you."

I immediately took a step back and looked at him in disgust. "Why would you and your...friends...want to help me? I assumed that you work for the wizard."

"We do. We work with Sinosum."

"Then why help me and Collin?"

"You might not believe me, but...I will give it a shot." He took in a deep breath, and smoke came out of his nostrils. "We are a very small species called the Exroresisantents."

I raised an eyebrow. "Exro..."

"Do not attempt to say it. It took me years just to say that single word, and that is ironic because I am the leader of the Exroresisantents."


"Yes. My real name is 1772453895789911. But you can call me Kale-9."

"Oh. Okay..."

"Anyway, we were a happy species. We kept to ourselves and ate humans."

My eyes widened. "You eat...humans?"

"It is okay. We will not eat you. You have a good head on your shoulders. We only eat the ones who do not use their brains."

"Oh. That is good...I think..."

"Alas, our happiness and way of life had to end so abruptly by none other than Sinosum. He is not really a wizard. Well, he does not like being called that. He is supposedly an Azmeci."

"Azmeci? What is that?"

"A wizard."

I was confused. " said that he not really a wizard."

"Exactly. He is a Forlot character. Forlot characters who are wizards are Azmecis."

"Um...did you just break the fourth wall?"

"Sort of. Back to my story. Sinosum enslaved me and my people. He made us do things that we despised. And do you know why?"

"He is evil?"

"Not only that, but he wanted someone. He wanted Shelly Madison."

Forlot: Forgotten Forest - Book Eight {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now