Chapter Sixteen

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"They ruled it as an accident," I explained. "Valerie's death was so sudden. I have doubt that it was."

I was walking in the forest, and morning was near. I could not sleep. Neither could the students and counselors. Collin was traumatized, while Sheila cried throughout the night until she was sick of it.

I had wandered away from the others and spotted something hiding from a tree in Forgotten Forest.

No. Someone.

It was Kyle.

I was happy - so thrilled - that I had seen him and dashed into the forest without any hesitation. I felt tears trickling down and covering my face as I hugged him.

"Kyle," I said softly. "I am glad that you are here."

He held my face in his hands and wiped my tears with his thumbs. His touches were gentle.

"Ari? Why are you crying?" he asked.

I sniffed. "Something...has happened."

"Why do we not take a stroll around the forest while you tell me what is the matter?"

I agreed, and that was what we were doing now. Walking and talking. Holding hands while Kyle was comforting me.

"David...has a hunch that Valerie went in the lake without adult supervision," I continued. "That she snuck out in the middle of the night to take a swim."

Kyle was asking questions as I was telling him in detail everything that happened. "Where is his proof?"

"She had on her bathing suit."

" in the world could she have drowned? Unless...she thought that she was a good swimmer."

I tightened my grip on his hand. "It...makes sense. I know that Valerie is not a swimmer, but she always had a desire to swim. She just never got around to actually being taught properly."

" is no loss, right? She was terrible to you."

" did you know that?"

"You told me."

"...oh. I guess that I forgot."

"Just be thankful that you still have me."

"Yeah." I kicked a pebble, and it flew into the air and landed somewhere. "Could you give me your address before I go?"

"Go? Where are you going?"

"Home. My sister and the other counselors are debating whether or not to cancel the rest of the trip, and my gut is telling me that canceling the trip will be the case."

Kyle stopped in his tracks, forcing me to do the same. He had on a blank expression.

"!" he said. "You cannot leave!"

I let go of his hand and shuddered. "K-Kyle?"

"I will not let you leave!" He pulled out his knife and raised it up. "I will kill anyone who tries to take you away from me!"

I was afraid. I whimpered, and my teeth chattered. My legs quivered.

Why did he say that? Was he serious?

Seeing me scared made Kyle lower his knife and put it away. He brushed my hair.

"I am sorry, Ari. I am sorry that I scared you like that. Dummy me."

I gulped. "Um...Kyle?"


"Did...did you kill Valerie?"

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