Chapter eleven.

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Please read A/N at the end!!

Brads P.O.V

Who knew what was going to be awaiting when we arrive at the hospital? Bad or good news? All these thoughts flowing through my head. I just hope its good news or I don't know how I would cope if it happened to be bad news.
We pulled up in the car park and made our way to the main desk.

"Caitlin Lee please?" Peter asked the receptionist.

"I'm afraid she's in theatre right at this moment. She started to have bleeding on her brain" The receptionist replied. My heart dropped. I couldn't believe what I was hearing right now. Me and Peter didn't reply and sat down in the waiting room and waited for a nurse to tell us something. We kept glancing at each other but not saying one word. What was there to talk about right now? Nothing.

1 hour and a half later a nurse came up to us smiling. Why? At least it's good news what she is about to say, otherwise why would she be looking so happy?

"Are you relatives of Miss Caitlin Lee?" She asked.

"Yes I am her dad and this is her friend" Peter replied.

"Well I have good news for the both of you. The operation went well and the bleeding has stopped. She is recovering well. You can go and see her. I will show you her room"

"Yes thank you" Peter said, looking at me and giving me an reassuring smile which I returned back to him.

The nurse lead us to Caitlin's room and told us that we could stay for as long as we wanted to.

We entered the room and it wasn't a nice sight at all. She was laid on a bed attached to multiple machines. But she still looked the beautiful Caitlin that I know, even if she had a huge bandage on her head or not.

"I love you so much darling. Everything is going to be okay. I promise you" Her dad said to her and kissed the top of her head. He was crying. I felt really sorry for him to see his own flesh and blood in this state. He told me that I could say some stuff to her. I took a deep breath and sat down beside her, putting her cold hands in mine.

"Caitlin I hope you can hear me. I'm sorry the date turned out the way it did. It should be me laying here right now not you. I want to ask you something but I will wait until you are feeling better and our of this place. Which I hope is very soon. I love you Caitlin" I said to her and kissed her forehead. I was trying my best not to cry. I took a seat next to her dad.

We sat there in complete silence for what felt like years, but was actually half an hour. Time can go so slow sometimes. Her dad came back with a cup of coffee for the both of us. I thanked him and took it off him. This was needed so badly as it was the first coffee I have had in days.

"Did you just see that? Her eyes opened and closed" I screeched.

"Y-Yes I did. I'll go and get a nurse" Her dad ran out the room. This made me happier. She is coming round.
The nurses barged in and started to examine Caitlin.

"Caitlin is coming out of the coma. This rarely happens this early. But its great news. I recommended that the pair of you go home, get some sleep and come back tomorrow" One nurse said to us. Yet again none of us replied.

We for back home and everyone was watching a film. They looked so happy.

"Lily we are going home. Thank you boys for looking after her and mostly thank Brad for bejng there today" Peter said. Lily ran over to him and they left the house.

"Its our pleasure" The boys shouted after him.

All attention was on me now.

Great. Pressure.

"What happened?" James questioned me as I sat down on the sofa.

"When we got there she was in theatre because she had bleeding and swelling on her brain and now she is coming out of the coma." I replied. Thinking about what she is going through alone everyday is hurting me inside. I may not show it on the outside but I'm hurt and upset.

"So happy that she is coming round. She is a strong one" Connor said. All the boys engulfed me in a group hug. We all agreed on a pizza and a film. That's what we did for the rest of the day because there was nothing else to do.


Well we are having WiFi problems at the moment which means I won't be able to ipldoad regularly. I hope with this happening you will still read my story! Sorry!:( Enjoy the rest of it!;)

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