Chapter sixty-four

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Brads P.O.V

"I-I might be pregnant Brad. I'm a week late" Is all she said before disappearing in a flood of tears.

I didn't know what to do or what to say. I tried speaking but nothing would come out. I did what felt right, but I shouldn't of done it, that was run. Run away from my maybe pregnant wife.

"Brad?" James asked as I ran straight past them and out the door. I had to go to clear my mind. Wrong decision when I could be comforting my wife, who may I add left distraught.

Few hours have passed and I was sat on the park bench. Thoughts going round my head. What does it feel like to be a dad? Will I be a good one? How will the band end up? Will it wreck my career?

"What are you doing Brad? Go home" I whispered to myself. So up I stood and ran home.

Caitlin's P.O.V

"He ran off because I told him I may be pregannat" I sobbed into James' chest.

"It probably was just a shock to him. He will be back, I promise you" He reassured me.

"CAITLIN!" I heard Brad shout up the stairs. He was then stood at the door out of breathe and his eyes blood shot, like he had been crying.

"I'll leave you two to talk" James said as he stood up and walked out the door. Brad immediately closing the door when he left the room.

"Caitlin I'm so sorry princess for running away. It was such a shock to me" Brad said as he pulled me into his chest. This made me feel better so quickly.

"It's okay, it's a shock to me too. I haven't tested. Will you come to the shop with me and get a test?" I asked him hoping he will say yes.

"No. You will stay here and I will go and get one. I will be no longer than 5 minutes baby" He kissed my head and ran out. I sighed and fell back on the bed. Later to be woke up by the bedroom door opening and closing again.

"Got it" Brad said as he chucked the pregnancy test at me. I caught it and went into the bathroom before reading the instructions and doing what it says.

"How long does it take to piss on a stick?" Brad moaned from outside the door.

"Well it's your fault. If you kept your friend in your pants this wouldn't of happened" I laughed which resulted in a chuckle from him.

"Don't blame me Caitlin. If you didn't wear that dress and kept calling me Simpson all night then I wouldn't of had to do it" He replied. I laughed and went out the bathroom with the pregnancy stick in my hand.

"Sooo" He dragged on as I sat next to him on the bed.

"I haven't looked at it. I'm to scared for the result" I sighed.

"Caitlin listen, what ever the result is I will always love you. I want to be a dad and especially to yours" He said as he took my hand in his and kissed my forehead. I removed my hand to see two red lines. I'm pregnant. I'm having a baby!

"I'm pregnant!" I screeched as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"OMG I'm going to be a dad. I love you so fucking much Caitlin" He said as he kissed me.

"I love you to. Should we tell them?" I asked as we laid down and tangled our legs together.

"No let's stay here and tell them tomorrow" He said.

"Okay" I replied and rested my head on his chest.

I never knew that I would be pregnant at 18 especially not with one of the vamps. I couldn't be any happier right now. My life is beginning to look bright for a change.

Brads P.O.V

I am happy. I really am, but there's a part of me that thinks this whole child thing won't work out either me and Caitlin will have a massive argument or it will come between me and the band and I will have to choose. That is going to pain me if I had to choose between Caitlin and the band. I love Caitlin with my heart but being in The Vamps is my life and I have always wants to be in one. I need to tell Caitlin how I feel.

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