Chapter seventy-two

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I'm not sure if this is going to be the last chapter or not. I will see where it ends. I might do a chapter summing up what happens to the others in like 2/3 years time.

Love you xx


Brads P.O.V

I arrived at Starbucks at 10:54 to be precise. I ordered drinks for me and Caitlin. I still remember what she has. I still remember the smallest things about her. Like the way she would blush, the way she would laugh at inappropriate times, the way she would go all quiet when she is down. Most of all I still remember her beautiful face and her perfect petite frame.

I was sat down scrolling through my phone when I heard the door open. I turned around and found out that it was Caitlin. She gave me a smile and walked over. She looked beautiful today.

"Hey" I said standing up and giving her a hug.

"Hi Brad" She replied. She pulled away from the hug and sat down. "You even ordered my favourite drink"

"I haven't forgotten that" I laughed.

"What made you want to meet me after all these months?" She sighed.

"I simply miss you Cait" I replied. Because well honestly that's the truth.

"I miss you to Brad." She smiled. God how much I have missed that smile.

"I want to ask you for another chance but I know that it won't be that quick. We can be friends and see where that goes. I love you Cait. I haven't stopped loving you. I was a dick to suggest a divorce. I let you slip away that easily, and I regret it" I sighed and saw that she had a smile on her face and tears in her eyes.

"I really want to have another chance to Brad, but it won't happen like that. I would love to be friends with you. We can start fresh. I love you to Brad" She said. I felt so much relieved that she feels the same way as I do.

"Good. What have you been up to in the months then?" I asked her whilst taking a sip of my coffee.

"Well I got signed with Union J, that's about it. You? I love your new album. Was She Was The One about me?" She smirked.

"OMG! That's great news. So happy for you. Thanks. Yes it is. I wrote it before we got the divorce." I told her.

"Thanks. It's a good song" She replied.

"Yeah because it's about you" I laughed.

"Stop flirting Simpson" She winked.

"Caitlin we may be friends but that will always turn me on" I sighed and she just chuckled and finished off her coffee.

"Fine. What should we do now?" She asked.

"Chips on the beach?" I suggested and she nodded and stood up and walked out the shop. I grabbed her hand and walked with her.

We walked to the beach and I ordered the food whilst she chose a place on the beach to sit. I collected the food and made my way over to Caitlin.

"There you go" I said and handed her food.

"Thank you. This is where we had our first date" She mentioned.

"It certainly is" I replied. She smiled at me and carried on eating.

I have her back. I have my princess back. It will take time, I know that but at least I have her back I don't care how long I have to wait so I can call her my girlfriend, maybe wife, again.

Caitlin's P.O.V

"Today has been good. See you soon Brad" I said as he walked me to the end of my street.

"It has. Of course I will" He replied. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked away. "Bye Cait"

"Bye Brad" I said and walked down the street.

"I'm home" I shouted as I entered the house.

"What did you buy?" George shouted back, but with a hint of annoyance in his voice. Shit I haven't bought anything.

"Erm nothing there wasn't really anything" I lied.

"So you've been gone for 8 hours and not bought one single item. Caitlin I know you was with Brad. We saw you on the beach." George scolded me as he greeted me at the front door.

"Well I can meet who the fuck I want. You don't control my life George" I shouted at him and stormed up stairs. I slammed my door and slid down the back of it.

"I don't want you anywhere near that dick Caitlin" George shouted upstairs. I didn't reply. I wanted to but I didnt. Instead I stood up, wiped the makeup off my face, got into my pyjamas and went to bed.

I have him back. I don't care how long it will until I can call him my boyfriend, maybe husband, again. No one will stop me from seeing him. No one.

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