Chapter thirty-one.

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Caitlin's P.O.V

"Caitlin please can you come down for a minute?" My dad shouted upstairs to me.

"Coming" I shouted back. I jumped off my bed and walked downstairs.

"Yeah?" I questioned him.

"Well you know how you spent a few days with 5SOS?" He asked me, his mouthing forming into a smile

"Yes I do. It was the best time of my life!" I exvclaomed, reliving the memories in my head.

"Well how would you like to go and see them do their show in California and go VIP and meet them after the show?" He asked.

"YES! I WOULD LOVE TO!" I screeched, hugging him.

"That's good well their show is in two days so you have a while to explore LA!" He said.

"I'm so happy!" I said, and walked to my room.

I was so happy. I am finally going to see them live. I must be the luckiest person on the planet right now. I mean being Bradley Will Simpsons girlfriend and spending days with 5SOS and going backstage at their show.

The next two days are going to drag so much.


This was just a filler chapter. The next chapter is the last one with 5SOS in and then it goes back to Brad and Caitlin.

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