Chapter fifteen.

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Brads P.O.V

It is currently 9:20pm and I am nearly at the train station. This journey went quicker than I expected. I would none stop be thinking about Caitlin. I just want to see her beautiful face.

"This train will be approaching Exeter train station in 10 minutes. Please make sure you have all your belongings with you" The woman announced. I collected my bags and texted Tristan.

To Tris; "Hey, train will be arriving in about 10 minutes. I'll meet you outside. B x"

His reply; "Hey man, yeah okay. T x"

The train came to a stop and the doors opened. I grabbed my stuff and made my way out the station. I was happy to be finally back in Exeter where I will be seeing Caitlin tomorrow.

"Hey its good to see you. How have you been?" Tristan asked me as I got into the car.

"Not good. I have missed her so much. I can't wait to see her. Its worth the try" I replied.

He smiled at me and started the car.

We got home at around 10pm. I went into the house while Tris locked the car. All the boys engulfed me in a group hug and there were 'missed yous' and 'glad your home' mutters in the hug. I couldn't tell who they were coming from, but I just went along with how happy they was to have me finally home. Bet they have missed my messiness. Ha.

After catching up in two days we all decided to go to bed. I had a wash, checked my media and had one last look at my wallpaper which was me and Caitlin at the beach seconds before she ran off.

Next morning.

I woke up fairly early, it was around 8:17am. I decided to have a shower to freshen up for the day that lies ahead.

After the shower I got changed into some black skinny jeans, white T-shirt and my red jacket. I towel dried my hair and went to wake the others up.

"TRISTAN WAKE UP" I shouted into his room.

"What time is it?" He asked me rolling over and sitting up.

"Around 9. Get ready then we can have breakfast and go next door" I said. He grunted and got out of bed and made his way to his wardrobe.

Next was James.

"JAMES WAKE UP!" I shouted. No movement.

"JAMES SERIOUSLY WAKE UP TAYLOR SWIFT IS DOWN STAIRS" I shouted. He bolted up right and ran down stairs. Only to come back up seconds later and mumble "I fucking hate you" and went to get changed.

Connor was the hardest to wake up.


"WHAT?!" He shouted back looking scared.

"He isn't really. Just wake up because Caitlin is coming home and we need to get ready" I replied before shutting his door and heading downstairs to make breakfast.

I cooked Bacon and egg sandwiches for all of us.

Half an hour later the boys were downstairs and they grabbed their plates and sat down.

I collected their plates and put them in the dishwasher because none of us likes washing up. Who doesn't?

I went upstairs to get my shoes and saw that I had a message.

Peter; "Hey Brad just letting you know that I am coming home with Caitlin now if you can go round now and hide. I will be about 20 minutes stuck in traffic. She seems happy about going home and she says that she might be starting to remember you"

I replied; "Yeah sure. We will go round now"

I took it off charge and put it in my pocket and ran downstairs.

"Guys get your shoes Caitlin is on her way home now and Peter wants us to go round there and hide" I shouted whilst coming down the stairs.

We all ran out the door and next door. Tristan locked the door and followed us all.

We got inside and there was Lily, a girl who we've never seen before, and her nan. They all gave us party poppers and we all went to our hiding places. Me and the boys hid under the table, why not it was big enough and the sofa was in front of it so she couldn't see us.

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