Chapter 1

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welcome~ i apologize in advance for any mistakes or typos in this book, it will be edited soon 💜


You groaned and got off of the couch.

Why does this kid keep calling me to play with him, it's late, where does he get the energy from?..

You sighed and walked towards the farthest door to be greeted by a bunny smile.

"Noona play with me~" He held up his iron man toys and giggled.

This is quite a odd start isn't it? Lets go back to the beginning..

2 months ago~

"Come on sweetie lets get you in the car." Your mother picked you up by your waist and put you in your car seat. As she turned away you saw the pained smile on her face.

Yes you were only 7 years old but you were not stupid, you knew everything that happened 2 weeks ago, as sad as it was, you were still confused. Why did dad leave with all of his stuff without telling us anything from the start? Why doesn't he love us? And why was he with another woman.

While caught in a trance your mother came back and put the final bag of snacks and water into the backseat. You watched as her lifeless looking body slumped into the drivers seat.

But like always when she turned back to you she would have a smile on her face.

"Are you ready to go to our new home sweetie?" She gave a big smile but deep down you could see her heart breaking as she turned back around and pulled out of the driveway.

The home I have been at my whole life, mom and dad raised me here, we were happy, until now.

I looked into the mirror and saw a single tear drip from her eye as we drove down the street to our new path in life.
(A/N until the time changes again, it will be mainly in Y/N's POV and she is a toddler/young child there so that's why she says mommy and daddy, etc. Sorry if you don't like this type of writing/find it annoying. Enjoy~)

2 weeks ago Mommy took me shopping to get some new drawing supplies since I found a passion for art while I grew. She happily pushed and rolled around with me giggling in the cart around Target. She also enjoyed painting, so while I picked out some crayons and new sketchbooks, she picked out a new canvas and some paints. We paid for them then started driving home.

While listening to music you laughed happily, excited to get home and draw while mommy painted.

As we pulled into the driveway we saw daddy's car was full of bags.

I gave it a questioning look while my mommy gave a stare I've never seen before. I looked to the front door where she was staring and saw a silhouette of a woman.

I heard mommy let out a quiet gasp as she then saw daddy walk out with his arm around the woman's waist. I gasped and mommy immediately got out of the car.

I forgot the window was cracked open a bit so I could hear what was going on.

"Who are you??" Her voice was laced with venom.

"I'm his wife?" The ugly looking girl said.

Mommy gasped and gave daddy a death glare.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON YOU BASTARD!" She screamed, her scream was full of pain and sorrow. Just from her tone of voice it broke my heart hearing how sad she sounded since she was never ever sad.

"There's nothing going on, we are leaving." Daddy grabbed the girl and they started walking to the car. We obviously were not supposed to see them leave. He was caught in the act.

"What kind of sick joke is this?!" You could hear sobs escaping mommy's mouth.

"JUST GO INSIDE ALREADY! I'M LEAVING, I DON'T BELONG HERE! ANYMORE!" Daddy was now yelling. I saw a clear view of the fight now, I didn't realize when a tear slipped down my cheek.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T BELONG HERE, I'M YOUR WIFE AND Y/N IS OUR BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER.. Why are you leaving all of a sudden." Mommy broke down and started bawling her eyes out, her voice got quieter and weaker as she desperately tried to communicate with her husband.


You watched as he gripped the side of his cheek.

"Don't you dare call her a mistake." Mom said with a deathly aura surrounding her.

"I don't ever want to see you again, get away from my house."

They quickly got in the car and drove away. I unbuckled and saw mommy fall to the ground with more cries escaping her mouth. I knew she tried to stay strong for me but not everyone can hold on for that long.

I quietly walked over and bent down next to her.

"Mommy please don't cry, I don't like seeing you sad." A tear slipped from my eye.

She quickly noticed when I started crying so she wrapped me in her arms and hugged me, burying her face into my neck while my head was against her chest.

"I won't cry anymore, please don't cry y/n."

Now it was my turn to breakdown, after realizing what actually happened.

"W-why d-did d-daddy l-l-leave u-us." I said in between sobs.

Mom patted my back and hugged me tighter.

"Sshh~ shh.. It will be okay honey.."

She realized she had to stay strong for mommy, but at the same time, her mom thought the same thing,

I won't cry anymore, I won't miss him, I promise I will take care of you y/n..

"Lets get inside the house, we can't be out here on the driveway all night." She helped you sit up and you sniffed, then a weak smile formed on your small lips. "Okay mommy."
And that's how we ended up here, driving along the empty roads going to a new home. At this point I felt almost emotionless.

"Mom?" I asked with sleepy and drained eyes.

"Yes sweetie?"

"Where are we going?"

"We are going to Busan."

Wowie, well there's the first part of Chapter one.. Tell me what ya think about it quq
(I kinda randomly felt like writing this so i'm not sure if this will be a good fanfic but I will try to make it decent enough to read uwu)

Tysm for reading~

Remember.. you nice keep going!

noonas little bunny | jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now