Chapter 9

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"NOONA YOU ARE CHEATING! YOU CANT KICK ME!" Jungkook screeched while trying to get first place even though he had no chance now that he was off of the track.

I evilly cackled as my plan worked. I went through the finish line and the first place sign went up on my side of the screen.

"See I told you I would win a game kookie~!" I grinned and swung my arm around him.

He placed the steering wheel controller down and pouted. I watched as he crossed his arms and turned his head away.

"Kookie don't ignore meeee." I whined like a baby and clung to his neck to get his attention.

He sighed and turned his head back around with a smirk. He grabbed my arms and curled his legs around my body encasing me in his grip.

I gasped and looked back up at his face which was mere inches away. I could feel his breath on my face.

"You cheated. I wont let you go until you admit to being a cheater." His voice was deeper and more intimidating. It was like he had a whole new aura around him, maybe confidence?

Our noses were almost touching, obviously I blushed.

I tried to wiggle my way out of his grasp but he only gripped onto me tighter.

Another smirk grew on his face and he twisted my body around so my back was on his chest and his arms were over my stomach. I felt his breath down my neck.

I froze in place, I could feel a evil grin plastered on his face.

"Noonaaa i'm waiting~"

Suddenly I felt something soft and smooth on my neck. A ocean of blush covered my face.

Jungkooks soft lips lingered over my neck and then he gently kissed my neck again.  I heard someone coming upstairs.

"Jungkook mom is coming upstairs-"

Instead of him getting up quickly and jumping onto the roof like he usually does he smirked and stayed in the same place. I tried to get out of his grasp but he smiled and put his head on my shoulder. What is this kid thinking?

The door opened and immediately you could hear fangirl squeals.

"Aw look at you two, you guys are adorable. When did you get here Jungkookie?" She uwued but wasn't as suspicious as I would assume. I eyed her while Jungkook continued to squeeze me to death.

"Noona and I were playing games."

You idiot if the controllers weren't on then that would have sounded terrible out of context-

Mom nodded and went back to the door.

"Well dinner is ready but by all means continue whatever you were up to in here before I came." She smirked and closed the door.

I groaned and tried to cover my face since it was obviously all red. What a great mom she is. At least she isn't overprotective cause I would have been grounded, yet again, its Jungkook in my room not some random boy.

I smiled at my random thoughts but still covered my face cause I didn't want Jungkook to know I was flustered.

I suddenly felt him let go of my arms a little bit and he turned me back around so I was facing him.

Wow what a muscle pig. 

"Aww is noona embarrassed?" He removed my hands from my face and chuckled.

"Jungkook stop teasing mee." I sighed and leaned into Jungkook until my head was resting against his chest.

He went to hug me again, pulling me tighter into him if that was even possible.

I felt him rubbing my back in circular motions and then he let go.

"Let's go get food noona, i'm hungry." He smiled with his bunny teeth making a special appearance.

Jungkooks POV:

I trapped her in a hug and then turned her so her back was against my chest. My arms slithered around her stomach and I let my head rest on her back.

What is this sudden urge of confidence I feel?

I moved my head and looked at the back of her neck. I moved my head down towards it and let my lips attach to a part.

I felt her shift, she was obviously confused.

I grinned and lifted my head back up.

"Noonaa i'm waiting~"

Her skin felt so soft, that's addicting... I just want to kiss her over and over. God Y/N what are you doing to me? 

Next thing you know I let my lips attach to the same part, letting them sit there then slowly moving them up.

I felt her shift again but this time it almost felt like she was relaxed.. Then I heard footsteps and she tensed.

"Jungkook mom is coming-"

I lifted my lips from her skin but instead of moving I let my head rest on her shoulder.

Time skip brought to you by blond haired Jin :>

I could see her burning face and smirked, knowing I was the one who made her blush.

I turned her around and teasingly smiled.

"Aww is noona embarrassed?"

She whined and put her head into my chest.

I let out a chuckle and rubbed her back.

I need to stop before I cant control myself..

"Let's go get food noona,  i'm hungry."

OOP- here is a new chapter uwu

Its kinda just a fluff chapter so I hope it was good enough uwu, the next couple chapters will be big so get ready ;')

Make sure to comment what you think if you want and remember, you nice keep going~

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