Chapter 3

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Hey hey hey~
So this is when the big time-skip comes. Y/N is now 17 and Jungkook is 15 turning 16 soon (Its around August so a new school year is starting as well and they are both in the same high school)
And if you want a idea of what JK looks like the picture above could be a representation, he is such a big baby uwuwu
Anyways hope you enjoy~!
Your alarm went off and you immediately slapped it off then groaned. School was starting back up again and you were not ready.

High school yes it was different but it was still school. At least you made some friends and now you go to school with Kookie so it's different.

You sat up and checked through your notifications and saw you got a couple texts from Jungkook.

Good morning Noona are you awake yet?

                        Good morning kookie! Yeah I'm awake, I was gonna start getting ready, I'll see ya at school?

Okay Noona! Cya at school 💕

You smiled and put your phone down, then you went to your bathroom to shower.

You got out and brushed your teeth and hair, after a couple mins of being lazy you chose a outfit.

(You can change the hair or imagine your own face if you want uwu this is just a ref for outfit)

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(You can change the hair or imagine your own face if you want uwu this is just a ref for outfit)

You filled up your black backpack then grabbed your phone and keys.

You went downstairs and grabbed a apple to eat on the walk there then you saw a note.

Hi hunny, sorry I couldn't be there, I had a early shift but I hope you have a amazing day! Don't get into trouble~! Cya after school!
- Mom

I smiled at the note then went out the front door.

After about 15 mins you saw the school gates and walked a little faster.

After searching for a bit you heard a soft but manly voice yell.


A huge baby came hurdling towards me, I opened my arms and Jungkook pounced on me giving me a tight hug, my head rested near his neck.

Yes he is almost a year and a half younger than me but puberty hit him like a train and now he is a few inches taller then me.

Now he is just a super big teddy bear.

You smiled at the thought.

noonas little bunny | jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now