Chapter 2

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Back to the present~
"Noona play with me~" You couldn't help but smile from his adorable behavior.

I guess he is still a kid so no wonder he acts like this..

Wait I'm still a kid too, darn why are you talking to yourself again Y/N..

While lost in a daze Jungkook grabbed your sleeve and tugged you in his bedroom.

It's been almost 2 months already, it feels like it's been shorter but I guess I've gotten used to it now.

Mom had been really happy now that she has a friend near her and I guess I also enjoy Jungkooks company. He is better then all of the dumb kids at school..

When we first met he was shyer then me but when he found out I was his Noona he became attached, so now I'm here almost everyday because he will cry if he can't see me for a bit each day.

Other people might be annoyed and some people think I'm annoyed by it but I find it adorable, I enjoy hanging out with him because he is also interested in art. He also likes games and being the tomboy I am I love challenging him to games, even though I let him win since I don't want him to get upset.

We went to his desk and he pulled out the chair so I can sit down. Then he smiled at me so I rolled my eyes playfully and lifted him up on my lap.

He smiled and began drawing on the paper while I played with his soft fluffy hair.

I heard a yawn and then looked at the clock. Wow it's already 8pm.. time flew by fast.

He yawned again then tugged at my sleeve again.

"Noona can you t-tuck me in~" He yawned and his lips went into a pout.

Oh how incredibly adorable I want to cuddle you and protect you from everyone and everything you angel.

You uwu'ed at him being a little baby and picked him up to take him a couple steps away into his warm bed.

I tucked him in and kissed his forehead like I always do.

"Goodnight kookie."

"Goodnight noo-"

I giggled as I saw the boy was already passed out.

I happily skipped to the living room and that was right when my mom entered through the door.

"Hey honey."

"Hi mama." I smiled and hugged her.

"How was work mom?" I asked while she went to put her bag down for a second.

"It was great, how was school?"

I sighed, "I still don't like it, I feel like I don't fit in.." I quietly mumbled the last couple bits.

She kissed my forehead.

"I'm gonna go find Seohyun and tell her we are going home." She smiled and walked down the hallway.

I grabbed my sketchbook off of the couch, I bring it here everyday when I come back from school in case I feel like drawing in it.

Since mom has 2 daytime jobs she doesn't come back till night so I stay here since I'm still young and can't be home alone, but I don't mind. When I'm old enough I'll make sure to get a job so I can help her and give her a break, I may just be 8 years old but I can see how worried she was from the start and she is still working very hard for us to have the house we live in and food we eat, and I'm very thankful.

Just as I was standing up she came back and grabbed her things.

We both heard a faint "Get home safely!" Coming from the one and only Seohyun.

We walked outside and enjoyed the small walk back to our house.

When we got back inside I went to my room and put on my pjs, then mom came in and tucked me in like always.

"I love you y/n~" She kissed my forehead and walked out.

"I love you too mama."

Then I began to drift off to dreamland.

Hey hey hey uwu
Tysm for reading, please tell me what you think and don't be shy to comment -v-

And remember.. you nice keep going~!

noonas little bunny | jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now