Chapter 14

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"It's fridayyy~!" Wendy stretched her arms out while walking to the front of the school with Y/N.

They smiled and then saw a shadow at the door, Wendy gave a puzzled look but then they saw who was behind the shadow.

Jin jumped out with a evil grin on his face. He had his hand in front of his face, holding his nonexistent hat sassily.

"Hello sweeties, what a fine Friday it is.." He blew a kiss dramatically towards us and I laughed. Wendy covered her mouth and laughed as well.

"Hi there eomma Jin." Wendy said with her mouth still covered, she continued having her giggle fit.

Jin and I made contact and smirked at each other.

"ASSEMBLE THE SQUAD!" He shouted towards me and I saluted like a soldier.


I dropped my backpack and flew down the hallway.

"JIMINS JAMS ARE MISSING!" I screamed off the top of my lungs.

Other people looked at me like I was a crazy person. I smiled and leaned against the wall with my arms crossed.

"We know that Y/N." Namjoon and Yoongi said while calmly approaching me.

"AHAHAHA DID YOU HEAR THAT JIMIN?!" Tae and Hobi screeched while a angry Jimin was chasing them.

"Well that was easier then I thought. Now let's see, 1, 2, 3.. wait where's Jungkook?"

I stood straight and walked out a bit looking for the bunny when I felt arms slip around my waist and something on my shoulder.

"I'm here~" he smiled.

"Everyone go find Jin and Wendy at the front of the school, we have plans." They nodded and started walking.

They were the last ones out of the school so I sighed.

I felt Jungkook lean more into me. He smiled against my skin and kissed my neck.

"I've been waiting to do that all day noona."

I smiled and turned around so I was facing him. I leaned in and pressed my lips on his. I backed away a second later, leaving the peck on his lips.

"Wow noona, you are such a tease. I thought you were gonna kiss me longer." He smirked and wrapped is arm around my waist.

I chuckled and started walking towards the door with him by my side.

Time skip~

We unloaded from the 2 cars and Tae and Jimin started cheering.

We saw the pier that was covered in lanterns with rides and the Ferris-wheel.

"Everyone get in a line, we are getting in pairs." Jin said.

Everyone lined up side by side and waited for his next commands.

"I will be with my lovely Joonie of course, Jimin, Tae, and Yoongi you will be a group." Jin looked at me and evilly smiled.

noonas little bunny | jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now