Chapter 16

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I heard my alarm and slapped my phone off, I groaned and tried moving but was held down by a big bunny.

I chuckled and decided to lay there a little longer. While grabbing my phone and checking the texts I got from the gang saying they went home, I felt something soft on my neck.

Jungkook left tired kisses on my neck then laid his head on my shoulder.


I smiled, "Good morning koo."

He rolled over on his stomach then I heard a deep evil chuckle. I looked over at him and saw him grabbing my waist and dragging me on top of him.

He playfully trapped me using his arms and legs.

"Kookie~" I whined and he began kissing all over my face.

I blushed and tried escaping.

"You aren't leaving until I get a kiss Noona." He said with a grin.

He continued attacking me with little kisses while I laughed like a child.

"That tickles Jungkook!" I quietly screamed while he continued laughing.

At that moment the door cracked open and we saw a shocked face.

Jungkook froze and I heard a very evil sounding chuckle.

"I knew the time would come.." Seohyun covered her mouth and chuckled. She shot back her eyes at both of us and I swear I could see fire burning in her eyes.

"So tell me the truth, are you guys dating?" She crossed her arms with a smile.

"Uh n-"

"Yes we are, she is mine." Jungkook said while holding onto me in a protective manner. He giggled like a baby bunny and stuffed his face near my neck.

I groaned and buried my face in his chest cause it was burning hot.

Screams could be heard from down the street, Seohyun clapped and giggled while having a heart attack at the door.

I heard Jungkook laugh as he watched his mom freak out.

Jungkook sat up and I rolled down so I was sitting in his lap.

He moved his hair around and then rested his head on my own head. My face was completely red.

I saw Seohyun look back at us and she shot me a wink with a 'I told you so' look.

"I'm very happy that you guys are a thing now, Jungkook be good to her or I'll break your bones." She smiled devilishly and grabbed the door.

"You guys have to get ready for school, Y/N you can go home if you want to get some clothes and then come back here." She kindly said.

I nodded and removed myself from the bed. Jungkook tiredly waved at me as I walked out of the room. Seohyun closed the door and then evilly giggled.

"So at last you two are a thing.." she said while grabbing my shoulder and swinging her arm around me.

I nodded.

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