Chapter 12

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  Snores filled the room.

"They are perfect for each other~"

"I know right why don't they just date already~"

"They even snore the same~!" The mothers not-so-silently cooed at the snoring teens. They were snuggled up against each other. Y/N had her face smooshed in Jungkooks chest while his arm wrapped around her.

It was past dinner time and the mothers went up to the room to check up on them, knowing they would be asleep since they were lazy as hecc.

"Y/N is free to stay here if you wanna go home~" Jungkooks mother offered to the other mom.

"I'll get going then since its late, if she wakes up and wants to go home just tell her to stay here since I dont want her wandering around so late."

They both nodded and then Y/N's mother started walking home.

Hours passed and Jungkook slowly woke up and saw he was still holding onto Y/N. He instantly smiled knowing after many years he could finally call her his girlfriend. He realized it was dark outside and looked at the time. 2:37am

Jungkook knew the moms probably saw them and let them be. He sighed and rolled over, snuggling into Y/N once more.

Time skip~

A alarm clock went off and out of instinct Y/N reached out and slapped her phone. She groaned and rolled into a body.

"Huh?.." She opened her eyes and saw Jungkooks big body.

She realized it was morning and she was in Jungkooks house still.

"Wow nobody ever woke us up? Wait how was I asleep the whole time?" She started questioning things out-loud.

She was grabbed by two large hands and dragged back to the bed.

"That doesn't matter cause you are still with me noona! Also why do you set your alarm for 4:30am? Thats too early~" Jungkook groaned and rolled onto his stomach while keeping you next to him with his arm. For some reason his groan sounded deeper then his other words, Y/N put her face into his pillow while blushing.

After a couple minutes Y/N stood up and yawned. "Have I left clothes here before?" Y/N looked around.

"If any of your clothes are here they would be in the bottom drawer over there." He pointed to the dresser and Y/N went and opened it, to her surprise there was a backpack with random pants and shirts that she never took back to her house after their late nights of gaming and binge watching.

She grabbed a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt then stood back up. "I'm using the shower first so be right back~" She tiredly said while Jungkook groaned and laid back down.

Around twenty minutes later she came back with wet hair and a towel around her arm, she had on light ripped skinny jeans and a loose white t-shirt.

She went and sat on the bed. "Jungkook get up you lazy bum!" She slapped his leg in a playful matter and he groaned again.

"Fine.." He sat up and opened his eyes, then he looked at Y/N's outfit and blushed.

"Wow noona you must really know what I like." He smirked and stood up.

Y/N blushed and looked down.

"I'm gonna showerr" He walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Y/N brushed her hair and put her shoes back on. She groaned once she realized she never did her homework.

Time skip~

Jin and Joon walked and sat down while the rest of the chaotic group ran to the food line.

"If they don't have sprite I'm gonna throw fists." Hobi said while crossing his arms in line.

Jimin giggled and Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"You guys are so immature." Yoongi flicked their foreheads and they pouted.

"Ow hyung that hurt!" Jimin whined but Yoongi ignored him and picked out his food.

They all walked outside to the cherry blossom tree they eat lunch under. They made a circle and plopped down.

"It took you guys forever." Jin mumbled while he stuffed rice in his mouth.

"Yoongi hyung flicked us!" Jimin and Tae both said in unison.

"They were being annoying." Yoongi mumbled, not paying attention to them, but instead looking towards someone else.

Minutes passed of chewing and munching and suddenly all chaos broke loose.

"Hey Hobi guess what?"

Tae snickered while he held his Coke can in the air.

Hobi stopped eating his sandwich and looked up at him.

"What this time?"

"Coke is better then Sprite."

"YAH!" Hobi shot up and Tae made a run for the hills while being chased by the sprite crackhead.

"Aigoo.." Yoongi facepalmed while everyone else cracked up.


Hey hey hey~

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, make sure to comment what you think <3
(A vote would also be appreciated)

This is part 1 of the double update uwu

Sorry it took a while longer to update, I was finishing all my exams but finally summer has come so I can become a writing machine and hopefully update more often~!

Thank you for reading and remember, you nice keep going!

(Tae was honestly trying to give me a heart attack I swear

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(Tae was honestly trying to give me a heart attack I swear...)

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