Chapter 13

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The bell rang and finally I yeeted out of my seat and started packing up my bags.

I picked up my backpack but then felt a disgusting aura lurking behind me.

"Did you miss me?" Jisoo stood behind me, chewing loudly on bubble gum.

"Not today, Satan!" I bolted out of the classroom and pushed past her minions.

I made it down the hallway and ran into Yoongi.

"Wassup yoongs." I said while elbowing him to get his attention.

He looked down and stared at me.

"Oh hey Y/N."

We walked to the entrance of the school sticking awfully close to each other since we didn't want to get separated in the crowd of running teens.

We got out and I saw Wendy and the gang standing there.

Jungkook eyed Yoongi but nobody else saw him. I smiled at the thought of a jealous Jungkookie.

"Finally I got out of that hell, the troll tried stopping me." I sighed while Wendy grabbed my shoulder and swung her arm around me.

"We are going to the arcade and you can't say otherwise." She chuckled and shot a toothy smile towards me and the gang and I smiled back.


She laughed and pulled me along with the rest of the group. Jungkook was by Jimin and Tae but he smiled at me then shot a wink. I smiled and looked down.

In someone else's eyes, they saw Hobi look at Wendy when she smiled, he blushed and immediately the other figure smirked and giggled. They went towards Namjoons ear and whispered.

"Looks like we got another ship to sail." He smiled dearly at his boyfriend and grabbed his hand then began walking behind the group.

Time skip brought to you by kimchi fried rice~

They all crowded inside the arcade and immediately Jimin, Tae, and Jungkook ran to the counter to buy tokens.

"I'm beating you at every game here hyung!"

"You wish you Bunny!"

"You alien!"

Namjoon and Jin watched the 3 maknaes bicker and Jin chuckled.

"Let's go get some drinks darling~" Jin said while walking over to the cafe that was connected to the arcade.

"Wanna go play some dance dance revolution?" Hobi asked Wendy with a smirk, she slyly nodded. Yoongi mumbled something then walked over to the bathrooms. Hobi and Wendy went over to the machines and I stood there.

"Wow what am I a 9th wheel?"

I goofily smiled to myself.

"Guess I'll go hang out with eomma and appa."

I walked over to the cafe and saw them at a corner table with a box of cookies. I walked over and sat next to them.

"Hi eomma, hi appa~" I said with a teasing smile while stealing a cookie.

"Hey N/N." Namjoon smiled.

It was quiet until there was a loud screech coming from the only mother at the table.

"OMG Y/N I HAVE SOME HOT TEA TO SPILL!" Jin screeched out, everyone else around us including the workers gave us a stare and Namjoon quietly chuckled and apologized to the people looking at us.

"Ooo eomma spill the tea, I obviously know it's about something in our group." I smiled and leaned against the table, resting my head on my hand.

"I saw Hobi blushing when Wendy smiled, I think he has the hots for her."

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