Chapter 6

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Y/N wakes up and sits up in her bed. She sees its only 4am so she groans, knowing she wont be able to go back to sleep.

Fine then i'll just go see Jungkook and we can walk to school together.

I go to take a hot shower then put on some jeans with a black hoodie. I put black converse on then decide to put my hair in a messy bun.

I brush my teeth then grab my backpack and sneak out to lurk into Jungkooks house.

Since mom leaves to work early it was easy to sneak out, yet again, since its Jungkook im going to see I think she wouldn't have a problem with it.

I use the spare keys they gave me and unlock the front door, then quickly but quietly, walk to his room.

I open it without knocking since I knew he would be sleeping anyways.

And there he was with all his bare chested glory, sleeping like a baby hugging his pillow while soft snores filled the room.

I could feel my face slightly burn up seeing he had no shirt on but I mean its not like I haven't seen it before. It's just with all these new feelings ive had lately I get shy.

Lately Jungkook has been different around me, and not in a bad way. We still talk and cuddle but when we hold hands or give small 'friendly' pecks, it feels different.

I dont think i'm going to tell him since I don't think he feels that way about me, unless I missed some sort of hint.

It's quite funny how his mother and mine think we would make a cute couple. They always tease us.

Jungkook turns his head so his messy bangs move revealing his forehead.

He looks too comfortable and adorable so I decide to not wake him up. I creep over to his desk and plop down on the chair, I take my sketchbook out and decide to draw.

Sometimes I will do this but he doesn't mind, yes it's weird and not normal to just sneak and invade someones room at 4am when they are sleeping, but its me we are talking about. :>

After about 30 minutes I finish a little sketch of a forest with a little cabin, a river flows near the cabin with some deer around. I'm proud of the sketch so once i'm satisfied I begin to clean up my mess of pencils I made.

I grab my couple pencils and lean over to put them back in my backpack.

I leaned back up and was met with a soft body standing next to the chair. He had a smile which almost looked like a evil grin, was he purposely standing there to scare me? I jumped a bit since it was dead silent in the room. Jungkook tiredly smiled and scratched his ear.

"Jungkook you scared the hell out of me!" I whisper yelled.

"Sorry noonaaaa~" He said in a cute voice while still being half asleep, because he looked so cute I let him slide this time.

He moved my hand and then took the opportunity to gently sit on my lap. Even though he was like twice my size, I was fine with it and he wasn't as heavy as you think he would be.

I let my head rest on his back near his neck since my short self couldn't reach his shoulder.

He still had no shirt on so of course I was a burning hot mess but he couldn't see my face so I was fine.

"Remember when we were little I would sit on your lap and we would draw?" He quietly spoke and I listened and nodded my head, a smile now forming on my face.

"I would draw ironman and spiderman over and over again and you would laugh, then tell me they looked amazing even though they were just stick people."

I giggled. "I miss those days, but i'm glad we are still this close years later." He hummed then stood up.

"I'm going to go shower then we can walk to school together noona." He gently kissed my forehead then walked to the bathroom that was connected to his room.

I stood up and walked to the living room where his mother was sitting on the couch, she saw me and greeted me like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Good morning Y/N."

"Good morning, also sorry for coming into your home so early in the morning, I woke up early and couldn't fall asleep so I flopped into your house since mom is gone." I shyly chuckled and walked to sit on the couch.

She gave me a kind smile and nodded, understanding.

Her nice attitude immedietly changed once a small smirk appeared on her face.

"So Y/N... about my son." I sighed and face palmed, knowing what she would say.

"Do you like him? As in more then friends perhaps~?" She gave a innocent but mischievous smile.

"I've already told you several times, I-"

I lowered my voice and whispered.

"I'm not sure.. I want to be more then friends but I don't know if i'm ready. He might not even feel the same way if I do admit to liking him. I just dont know Ms. Seohyun, it's all confusing to me."

A light blush formed on my pale cheeks and I saw Seohyun light up with a bright smile.

"I understand how you feel, take all the time you want to figure things out and maybe consider asking him if you are sure about your feelings. Not going to lie but from my eyes you guys are perfect for each other." She smirked. "I wouldn't mind if he started dating you."

I groaned and covered my now red face.

The hallway light came on and Jungkook appeared in the room with ripped jeans and a black hoodie and converse. Oh crap we are matching..

I then only realized what he looked like in the clothes.

Shit hes hot.

Lol hey hey hey uwu

Hope you enjoyed this lil chapter to add to the storyline~
Tell me what ya think owo

Tysm for reading and remember, you nice keep going <3

noonas little bunny | jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now