Chapter 1 pt2

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You yawned and woke up under a fuzzy blanket. After actually opening your eyes you realized you were not in your car anymore.

You sat up and saw you were in a cute little room, wait.. WAS THIS THE NEW HOUSE?!

The blanket flew off of you as you ran to inspect every inch of your room, then you wandered the halls upstairs to see another empty bedroom and a bathroom, then you heard chattering downstairs.

"It's been forever since we have actually hung out, now that i'm not in Seoul we can go back to the good old days!" Your mother chatted it up with someone but whom?

You peeked through the holes on the rails of the stairs and saw a beautiful young lady who looked around the same age as your mother.

They seem to have noticed you since you saw your mother giggle at your cute but childish actions.

"Y/N don't be shy, come say hi to Seohyun!" She giggled.

At least she looks much happier now she isn't in a home with bad memories... You snapped out of your daze and nervously giggled before hopping down the stairs. You looked around at the beautiful house. How the heck did mom buy a house like this?..

"H-hello i'm y/n.." You shyly said.

"Awh she looks adorable! I can tell she is going to get along with Jungkookie very well~!"

"Jungkookie?-" I was cut off by them giggling again.

I gave a questioning look at the 2 women.

"Mommy, I'm k-kinda hungry.." You said right as your stomach growled meaning it needed food.

"There's some ramen left on the table for you, it should still be warm." Your mother gave a warmhearted smile which made you smile since she had a actual smile.

You nodded and scooted onto a stool. You began inhaling the noodles like there was no tomorrow.

After about 20 minutes Seohyun stood up and checked the time.

"Well Rei it was nice to see you again, now that we live a couple houses from each other you are always welcome in my home!" She smiled and then looked at me.

"We should plan a day for you to come visit so kookie can meet y/n."

Mom agreed and they hugged each other then Seohyun left.

You finished the last couple noodles then plopped your bowl in the sink.

"The food was very good, thank you mommy."

She chuckled, "Seohyun was the one who brought it over so make sure to thank her next time you see her."

You smiled and nodded.

"So who is she anyways?" You became curious.

"Well we were best friends in middle and highschool but then for college I had to move to Seoul while she stayed in Busan. We still talked but then I thought it would be best to move back here since this is my hometown.." She looked down and smiled.

"She has a son who is around your age, you would be very good friends so maybe we can meet them sometime."

You smiled, "That sounds like a good idea~"

Your mother laughed and picked you up then took you upstairs while holding you like you were superman, you flew upstairs and she placed you down once we were in the empty room. She walked over to the closet and slid it then all of our art stuff was there including the bags with the items we never got to use since that happened.

"I thought we could turn this into a art room where we can both use it, what do you think?"

You were overflown with happiness and leaped into your moms arms.

"That sounds like a really good idea!" You both smiled.

She took out a box and then placed it down, it had a pretty table on the picture, she began to open it and take out the directions.

2 hours later there were 2 tables set up along with shelves holding paints and other tools.

"It looks so cool!" I giggled but then yawned again.

"It's late so you should go to bed, we have to register you for school tomorrow, don't forget that." Your mother took you to your room with a evil grin knowing you were not too fond of school. She giggled then tucked you in under your covers.

"I love you y/n."

She kissed your head and left while you were already floating off to dreamland.


Henlooo uwu

Here is the 2nd part of Chappie 1, I hope its okay!
Don't be shy and tell me what you think :)

The next chapter will continue at the very start when Jungkook and Y/N already have met etc so be ready for that if you decide to stick around.

Tysm for reading, and remember.. You nice keep going~!

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