Chapter 7

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I redirected my eyes off of Jungkooks hot self before my face turned the color of his red backpack.

His mom noticed and gave me a evil grin and I rolled my eyes then grabbed my backpack and keys.

"Thanks for the chat Miss Seohyun cya later!" I said in a sarcastic happy tone. I grabbed Jungkooks arm and dragged him out of the house while Seohyun was snickering on the couch sipping her hot tea. How ironic.

I closed the door then sighed.

"Noona are you okay?" Jungkook gave me a concerned look and I smiled.

"I'm fine kookie, let's get to school."

I sounded perfect on the outside but internally I was melting in a boiling pit of lava. Sounds dramatic? Well how would you feel if you were walking holding hands with the muscle pig known as Jeon Jungkook.

Even though we have been friends forever of course I get flustered when being with him, it's normal at this point.

Yes I get stabbed in the chest by all the girls that glare daggers at me but it's normal and if anything Jungkook will give them a deadly glare and it will scare them off.

I question this boy sometimes because he can go from a fluffy bunny to a hot and scary muscle pig in a second.

I also question how I got so lucky to be friends with Jungkook, I feel like I don't deserve him sometimes.

We finally got to the gates of school and Jungkook walked me to my first class like always.

Right before I walked in he gave me a peck on the forehead and smiled.

I smiled and walked in my classroom.

I can get used to this.

Time skip featuring Joonies Dimples owo

"WERE FREEEEE!" Tae and Hobi screeched as they ran through the halls with their empty backpacks since it was Friday.

I walked out of my class and bumped into Namjoon.

"Oh sorry Y/N, I didn't see you there." He gave a innocent smile and I smiled back.

I walked along side him while the rest of the group eventually joined us.

"So since it's Friday what should we do this weekend?" Wendy said while she threw a arm over my shoulder.

"The weather is nice so what about a trip to the beach?" Jin said while fixing his backpack straps.

"That sounds like it would be fun! Its not too hot and not too cold~!" Tae smiled and eventually everyone else agreed.

We all got to the gate and then Namjoon spoke up.

"So we all meet at the beach cafe at noon tomorrow? How does that sound?"

Everyone cheered.

"Well I have to get home before my mom hunts me down, cya later guys." Jimin said while waving and walking the opposite direction of us.

Eventually everyone went their separate ways and it was just Wendy, Jungkook, and I.

"I'm staying at your house tonight so we can plan outfits Y/N." She gave a smile and winked at me. I blushed knowing she meant finding a outfit to impress Jungkook.

Jungkook quietly walked alongside us, he looked like he was in his own world.

I nudged his shoulder and he looked down at me.

"You okay?"

He nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, just thinking."

noonas little bunny | jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now