Chapter 15 pt2

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After about 30 minutes I decided to wake the sleeping bunny up.

I flicked my shoes off and jumped on Jungkook.

He didn't budge, I wiggled around and fell on his side.


Finally he moved, when he lifted his pillow up I almost had a heartattack.

"HOLY SHIT!" I screeched and flew off the bed. I started dying on the floor.

Jungkook rose up with his beautiful messy black hair.

He had light faded pinkish hair for a while now, when I saw messy black hair on him I thought it was the end for me.

"Noona what's wrong?" He tiredly asked while yawning.

"JUNGKOOK YOU DYED YOUR HAIR BLACK!" I screeched back at him with my hand over my heart.

"Is that a bad thing?" He tilted his head and stretched his arms.

"Yes, were you trying to kill me? You look so hot oh my god." I mumbled the last part quietly but his bunny hearing activated and he smiled widely.

"Noona called me hot~" He smirked and leaped from the bed to attack me in a hug.

I screeched again while being death hugged by the large bunny.

He smiled and began kissing my cheeks, then forehead, then chin, then jaw, then gave a quick peck on my lips.

I was in the middle of dying from the cuteness being mixed with hotness so I sat down on the bed afterwards.

"I'm gonna go get ready Noona~" He smiled and went to shower.

I walked downstairs after being attacked and decided to make a yummy breakfast.

His mother didn't mind, so I took some ingredients to make chocolate chip pancakes with eggs and bacon.

After a good twenty minutes I finished the food and just as I was making the plates Jungkook came down the stairs.

I turned around and nearly dropped on the floor dead.
(A/N he is wearing the outfit and hairstyle in the picture from the header, aka one of my favorite Jungkook looks ever)

I instantly turned around and blushed, I'm pretty sure my face was hotter then the stove.

I felt two arms snake around me and I froze.

"What's wrong Noona? Why won't you look at me?" He said in a teasing voice.

I didn't know how to respond cause I was so flustered, geez why does he do this to me? I internally sighed.

"Uhh I made breakfast~" I said to try and distract him.

He chuckled and kissed my cheek.

"Okay thanks noona~"

I grabbed the plates and we went to sit in his room since it was the both of us.

noonas little bunny | jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now