Chapter 4

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The school bell rung finally and Y/N grabbed her books and yeeted to her locker.

She sighed and put her books away then grabbed her backpack. Just before she could swing it on her back someone grabbed it gently and threw it on top of their backpack.

"What do you think you are doing with my backpack Kook?." She tried to act scary and intimidating while crossing her arms and Jungkook just laughed and smiled cutely.

"I'm going to carry it for you noona ." He smiled in a 'duh' way then started walking towards the front of the school.

Y/N smiled and followed to catch up to him.

After walking for a couple minutes Y/N silently watched Jungkooks face.

Damn how did he grow into such a good looking boy..
She blushed but it wasn't visible to anyone. She turned her head down to her feet then felt a hand sneak up and slip into hers, of course it was Jungkook with a cute smile on his face like always.

Yes holding hands for them was normal, they have been doing it since they were kids. Some people mistake them for a couple since a lot of the things they do including skin-ship is something a couple would do. They shrug it off most of the time.

They have never seen it like that, they have been touchy with each other since they were small so it was always like this.

Finally they arrived at Jungkooks house.

Yes Y/N was grown and able to stay at home but she still liked going over there and Seohyun didn't mind at all, she thought of Y/N as her adopted daughter.

They walked in the house still hand in hand.

"We're home mom~!" Jungkook said while dragging Y/N to his bedroom.

She looked at the pictures in the hall as she was being dragged by the big baby bunny.

There were a lot of pictures of him and his mom from when he was a kid, she noticed years ago how none of the pictures showed his dad.

Apparently Jungkook's father left like hers and he still doesn't know the reason why. They haven't ever had a actual conversation about the topic because they don't like bringing it up.

Jungkook opened his door and then plopped the backpacks on the floor.


I smiled as Jungkook plopped the backpacks down.

Then he quickly turned around and trapped me in his embrace. He held me then went over to his bed and plopped down on his back, with me being squished by the human rabbit while I was on top of him.

"Jungkookie you are going to kill me~" I said dramatically while faking my coughs.

He loosened his grip but still hugged me.

"Let goo we have to do homeworkk~" I tried to move but he only hugged me tighter.

"Let's stay like this for a little bit noona, I like it.." A light blush crept across his face and I found it cute.

I turned my head and laid it against his chest, I could feel and hear his heartbeat and even though it was somewhat fast, it was calming to listen to.

Without noticing I drifted off to sleep while Jungkook eventually did the same.

Time skip featuring Yoongi's gummy smile uwu

"Oh Seohyun they are so adorable we need to get the camera~!"

"I'll use my phone to take pictures this is too cute we can tease them about it in the future~!"

"They better have a lot of children so I can have lots of grandbabies~!"

"We can take care of t-"

I heard whispering and squealing from a distance and I slowly woke up, rubbing my eye.

I was still on top of Jungkook with my head on his chest under his chin, his legs were tangled with mine and he still had his arms over my body loosely hanging there.

I saw he was also waking up.

"Noona do you hear something?" He mumbled while being adorable.

I nodded and moved my body a little bit. I rolled off Jungkook and he whined.

"Noona you were keeping me warm now I'm cold~" He pouted.

I heard almost silent cooing and knew who it was coming from.

I turned on the light switch and saw the 2 crazy mother's at the door with their phones out.

"Hello sweeties, did you have a nice nap?" My mom gave me a wicked grin while Seohyun had a evil but motherly smirk.

"Son did you have a nice nap with Y/N?" They both gave evil mother grins.

I groaned and rolled into Kookies chest hiding my flustered face.

"Mom you are embarrassing mee, we were just taking a nap we didn't do dIrTy things.."

She sighed in a almost sad way.

"Fine then honey, I'll go back home, feel free to come back when you want... or you can stay the night if you want.." Her evil smile came back.

Those crazy ladies I swear...

I hopped off the bed while Jungkook whined again cause he had to let go of me.

"I'll cya at school tomorrow Jungkookie~" I picked up my backpack and flew to the door and back to my house before mom could bother me with her questions.

The mothers left Jungkooks room while he pulled out his phone, ready to tell his best friends what happened.

In the living room evil snickering was taking place. Y/N's mom giggled and showed her best friend the pictures she got.

"These are being shown at their wedding." She giggled and her friend agreed.

They have shipped them for a while now, they knew their relationship would soon become more then friends.

The mothers smiled and continued looking through the adorable pictures of you and Jungkook cuddling.

Hey hey hey~

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, tell me what ya think if you want uwu

Tysm for reading and remember, you nice keep going 💜

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