Chapter 10

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I woke up to my annoying alarm and sat up. Ew a school day.

I stood up and went to shower. After I got dressed with skinny jeans and a big white hoodie I flew down the stairs to grab some toast. Mom went to work already and im a lazy bum in the morning so the toaster can do the work for me. :)

I went back to my room and brushed my hair and teeth after eating then grabbed my backpack. I looked at the clock and saw I only had 15 minutes left.

Damn did I really take that long of a shower?

I ran out the front door and bolted to the sidewalk.

After about 10 minutes I was at the front gates. My entire body was dripping with sweat and I was dying because of being in jeans aNd a hoodie.

I looked around and there they were, I dragged myself to the bleachers and walked up a couple steps. Next thing you know I was being picked up and draped over someones back.

"Class is starting Noona! You were late, I thought you were not gonna come."

"Who do you think you are to start a casual conversation after kidnapping me and throwing me on your back?!" I crossed my arms even tho I was hanging from the air and then fits of laughter surrounded us.

"Jimin be quiet or else im gonna steal your jams."

"He already has no jams."

Namjoon cackled with Hobi and Jin while everyone else walked like normal humans to the classrooms.

Everyone parted ways while Jungkook still carried me to my first class.

Everyone was giving weird looks to the two of us but I just gave them death glares and they turned around real quickly.

"Jungkook you can put me down nowww" I whined and poked his back.

He finally did once we got to the class. I looked up at him to see a light smile.

He smiled at me then put his hand on my cheek and bent down to kiss my forehead.

"Cya at lunch Noona, don't get in trouble~!"

"Whatever dad." I crossed my arms and picked up my backpack then walked in class.

I heard Jungkook laughing as he walked away. I sighed and went to my desk, then after a minute or so the bell rang.

Time skip uwu

The bell rang and everyone raced to the door. I gathered my things and waited out the storm of hungry teenagers.

Just as I was about to get up I heard someone sit down on my desk. I looked up and was met with the bitch of the school.

"What do you want Jisoo?" (A/N Yes i'm using Jisoo and Jennie from Blackpink as the 2 bullies so don't kill me :> I love them irl tho but for the books sake they will be rude and mean :>)

"Wow already snarling at me huh?" She shoved my shoulder with her disgusting hand.

"Fuck off, I don't have time for you attention seekers." I slung my backpack around my shoulder and tried to shove my way through but her annoying side-chick stopped me.

noonas little bunny | jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now