Chapter 17

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After a long week Saturday finally rolls around the corner.

I woke up around 11am and saw I had a text.

Noonaaa~ Get ready I'm coming to get you at 1pm 💜

I didn't respond back, but smiled and sat up. I went to take a warm shower then threw on some black leggings and a oversized camo hoodie that was Jungkooks.

(The hoodie above if anyone is wondering uwu)

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(The hoodie above if anyone is wondering uwu)

I left my hair down and didn't bother putting make up on. I grabbed a smol backpack and threw my phone and wallet inside then grabbed the keys.

I saw mom was downstairs watching tv. When she saw me come down she smiled and waved.

"I'm going to hang out with Jungkook, cya later mom!" I kissed her cheek and started walking to his house.

I opened the door by myself and walked in the house, it looked like Ms Seohyun was gone so I walked to Jungkooks door and knocked.

I heard a hum so I walked in and saw him fixing his hair up. He saw me in the mirror and turned around.

He was wearing black ripped skinny jeans with a white shirt. I tried to not blush when I saw him.

He gave a smile.

"Oh hey jagiya." He finished his hair then went to put his boots on.

"You said we are going somewhere so where?" I asked while flopping on his bed.

"It's a secret~" he quietly giggled and then grabbed his phone and wallet.

"Let's goo!" He pulled me back up and dragged me out of the house.

"I just laid down thooo~" I pouted as he laughed.

We drove to a little cafe next to the arcade.

"First we will have breakfast cause I'm hungry." Jungkook said while dragging me inside.

We ordered waffles and omelets, when they were served we devoured the food.

After minutes of trying to pay, Jungkook finally shoved his card to the person. The lady chuckled and went to use the card.

She came back and handed us his card back.

"You are a very cute couple." She complimented and we both shyly smiled.

"Thank you ma'am." I bowed and we exited the cafe.

We got in the car and then Jungkook started driving to a place in the forest.

The scenery was beautiful, there was a lake that was half frozen and the trees were a mix of green and white. I watched as we drove past several playgrounds and then I realized where Jungkook was taking us.

noonas little bunny | jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now