Chapter 20

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The snow began melting and flowers started blossoming, beautiful cherry blossom trees coated the parks, rivers were blue as ever. Birds began chirping and fish began swimming in the clean water.

Spring was here, one of the prettiest times in Korea.

It was a lovely Sunday, Y/N woke up and looked at the time.


She smiled to herself and stood up, she walked downstairs and saw her mom cooking eggs and bacon.

"Goodmorning sweetie, how are you?" Her mother lovingly said to her sleepy daughter.

She rubbed her eyes childishly and responded.

"I'm okay mom~" she smiled and walked to the table to sit down and watch her mother finish the food.

She brought 2 plates to the table and placed them down.

"Thank you mom." Y/N yawned and began eating her brunch.

After a bit she realized, she still hasn't told her mom about Jungkook.

She cleared her throat and nervously looked at her mom.

"So uh mom.."

Her mom looked over at her with a smile.


"Uh.. Jungkook and I have sorta been dating.. for like 7 months.." I nervously looked at her and she had a smug grin on her face.

"I know."

I spat my orange juice all over the table.


"Seohyun told me.. like 7 months ago.." she kept the smug grin on her face, mimicking my words.

I gave her a glare and angrily ate the rest of my food while she cackled.

After she finished she went upstairs and put on a white shirt tucked in some light ripped shorts, she threw on her new white converse and brushed her hair.

She grabbed her backpack and phone then went back downstairs.

"I'm gonna go hang out with Wendy, I'll be back later mom, I love you!" She kissed her moms cheek and exited the house to begin her journey to her best friends house.


She used her spare key and opened the front door, she was immediately greeted by her adorable corgi doggo.

After she entered she heard 2 familiar voices, she smiled and watched as two adorable twins ran to her and attacked her with a hug.

"Noona! We missed you!" The 7 year old twins said.

"I missed you guys too~ where is your sister?"

"She is in her room waiting for you!"

They let go and she made her way to her friends room.

noonas little bunny | jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now