Chapter 8

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The smell of pancakes lingered around the house and eventually went up to the hallways and into Y/N's room.

She moved her arm and pushed her birds-nest hair out of her face and inhaled the sweet smell.

"PAncAkeS!" She sat up quickly and rolled off the bed to put her panda slippers on and run down the stairs.

After almost tripping down the stairs she was on a stool in the kitchen with a tired smile, watching her mom put a plate of fresh buttermilk pancakes in front of her.

"Thanks mom~" She smiled then picked up a fork and attacked the pancakes.

Her mom chuckled and took a bite of her own.

"I got today off so I thought we could spend it together?"

I nodded my head and smiled. "That sounds like a good idea."

After a hot shower I walked into my bedroom and wore a black pair of waist high shorts with a tucked in loose white shirt. I put on my converse and brushed my hair, deciding to leave it down.

I brushed my teeth and grabbed my backpack and keys then walked downstairs.

Mom was waiting there with a big smile so I smiled back at her.

"So where to first?" I asked.

"I thought we could go shopping around the mall and then maybe go to lunch! It's simple but sounds fun."

I agreed and headed towards the car.

"I'll drive!" I said with a grin.

She gave me a scared look as a joke, I evilly grinned and got in the drivers seat.

"Where's my life jacket honey? I don't trust you around a car." She sarcastically replied with a smile.

I laughed and started the car.

15 minutes later we were at the mall.
I parked and got out and immediately saw tons of clothes stores that looked interesting.

"Let's go in this one first." I pointed to a store with lots of styles.

We looked around and I ended up grabbing a lot of hoodies and some cropped shirts/hoodies.

I tried them on and then paid for them.

Store after store there were more bags piling up on our arms.

We laughed as we walked down to the parking lot.

I'm glad we still have a good mother-daughter relationship, it's nice having her around like this even though sometimes she is busy with work. She always makes time for me.

We put the clothes in the trunk and decided to drive to a cafe for some lunch.

The car beeped and we walked inside, we ordered small meals and then went to sit down.

"So Y/N update me on stuff~" she said like a typical schoolgirl wanting to hear the latest tea.

I laughed.

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