Chapter 21

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Y/N sat up in her bed and smelt pancakes.

She instantly ran and tripped down the stairs to be greeted by her mother and Seohyun chatting in the kitchen.

She saw them turn around and she waved, embarrassed by her appearance.

"Good morning darling~" her mother greeted.

She brought a plate with pancakes and bacon to the table and Y/N dug in.

The mothers laughed and continued chatting.


"Well Rei I should get going, I'm sure Jungkook is hungry now too." She giggled and grabbed her purse.

"It was nice talking to you Seohyun~ Feel free to come by anytime!"

The mothers hugged and Seohyun left the house.

Y/N walked over to wash her plate and her mother walked and stood next to her.

"How was it?"

"It was delicious, thank you.." she chuckled and went back upstairs to get ready for the day.


I grabbed my backpack and walked out of the house after saying bye.

I didn't get very far down the street cause a figure crept up on me and attacked me with a back hug. I jumped in my spot but then felt familiar soft lips on my neck.

"Hey there noona~ looks like we left at the same time." Jungkook giggled and slipped his hand into mine.

We calmly walked to school together.

After a bit we reached the school gates and we went to the bleachers where all of us met up every morning.

Namjoon and Jin sat there using notebooks to fan themselves.

"Hey Jin, hey Joonie." I smiled and we both sat down as close to the shade as possible.

"Hey guys."

"Damn it's hot today." Wendy sighed while walking towards us as well.

Eventually everyone gathered up near a tree but still not under the shade.

I groaned and laid my head on Jungkooks lap.

"It's too damn hot! We are all gonna melt!"

Jungkook chuckled and moved his head a little over my head, blocking out the sun.

"Wow kookie you sure are a lifesaver~" He chuckled and leaned down to kiss me.

"Eww go get a room!" Tae and Jimin both yelled towards us, sticking their tongues out teasingly.

He sat back up and everyone smiled.

"Y/N and Kookie sitting in a tree~"








Everyone took turns saying a letter and at the end everyone besides grandpa erupted into laughter.

"You pabos are acting like first graders.." Yoongi facepalmed and the group talking turned into fits of laughter.

The bell rung and everyone groaned.

"I don't want to go to class~" Wendy groaned and rolled over so her face was in the grass.

"We only have like 3 more weeks of this then it's summer vacation for us!" Hobi tried cheering her up.

noonas little bunny | jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now