3. Only one choice

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Frisk's POV

I almost wished that one of these times, Mettaton would pose an actual challenge for once. It was no fun killing him in one strike. "Well, at least we have the Comedian up next, right?" I asked Chara.

Their ghostly form glared at me. (In this story Chara is not evil. Just a heads up.)

I walked through the hallway I knew so well. Sans was there, as always. Here came the speech.

"Do you wanna have a bad time?"

I froze as a new, yet familiar voice continued the speech. "Cause if you don't reset right now..."

A girl in a green hoodie stepped out from a pillar behind me. "You're not gonna like what happens next!" They said simultaneously.

The fight started, but with the new girl fighting alongside Sans. I dropped my jaw in shock as I realized she looked just like Chara.

"It was a beautiful day in the underground, before this.

Robots were on TV,

Skeletons were making puzzles and pasta.

But now, all there is for demons like you to do...

Is to burn in %@*^!"

The fight was unlike any time I've fought Sans before. The new Chara look-alike was using attacks copied from other monsters I had killed before.

Attempt one.

A pair of Gaster Blasters trapped me before I was impaled by a spear.


Gaster blasters attacked as I hopped between spider webs.


I tried to spare the second Chara and got dunked on.

-RESET- -RESET- -RESET- -RESET- -RESET- -RESET- -RESET- -RESET- -RESET--RESET--RESET--RESET--RESET--RESET--RESET--RESET--RESET--RESET--RESET--RESET--RESET--RESET-    -RESET-       -RESET-                                 -RESET-                              


each time, I may have learned their attacks, but they were learning my fighting style, watching my items. In the brief space before I reached them, they would talk, comparing different timelines. So she was from another world, huh? Maybe I could move on to even more worlds.


I continued to dodge, learning their new attack patterns, slashing wildly at them when I could, but to no effect.

"Well, I think Sans and I getting tired, so I think the only option is for me to use my special attack." The girl summoned a red knife. It shattered the FIGHT button.

I purposefully died to restart the fight, but I froze. The button was still gone. 

I died again, resetting to the last save point. they quickly teleported behind me as I arrived. even now, the button was gone.

"You've only got one choice, kid. True Reset." Sans said, chuckling. 

That comedian.


They were right. I only had that one option.

❤️True Reset

-    [.                 .]

Shifted Love (Sans x Fem!StoryShift Chara)Where stories live. Discover now