9. Besties

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San's POV

I could tell something was bothering Shift. I knew I shouldn't hound her about it, so I decided to let it pass. We took a shortcut to where I usually met Frisk with the telescope. Frisk wasn't there yet, in fact, we could hear Undyne yelling her head off, so we knew we had some time to talk.

"How's our universe so far?" I asked, trying to be polite.

"Pretty good. It's still a lot like my universe, really. surprised grillby is still in the same role." Shift said casually, trying to change the topic

I caught it. Something's off.

"Buddy, what's bothering ya? I can tell something's up."

Shift sighed. "I'm scared of meeting Undyne. Asgore won't hurt me, but Undyne is different, I think.

I could tell she had just made that up, but I decided to humor her. Didn't feel like making her more upset than she already was.

Frisk came up to us, breathless. "Hey guys." she tried to regain her breath. "No matter how many resets I do, I never get used to Undyne's attacks. It's that one with the circles of spears that gets me.

I started to gesture towards my trap, but Frisk interrupted.

"Oh no, Sans. Trust me. I know the scope of your pranks."

I started laughing. Frisk joined in, smiling.

Shift didn't laugh.

"You okay, other Chara? That didn't really tickle your punny bone." Frisk's face took on an expression of concern.

"I go by Shift. I-I'm just scared of meeting Undyne. I mean, I'm human too, so she might want to kill me, killing one human would be just the same as another to her I bet, regardless of my soul. And if you struggle with her attacks and you're used to them, I'd be screwed."

I flinched when Shift talked about Undyne wanting her dead. For some reason, the thought of her getting hurt scared me.

"Ooh! I know! You come with when Papyrus and I hang out with Undyne! Then you can become friends with her!" Frisk was getting excited just like they used to when they were a kid.

"And don't you dare say no. If I'm doing a pacifist run I'm going to make it a good one!" Frisk was bouncing up and down eagerly.

Shift sighed with fear. She agreed to go to Undyne's with Frisk. At least it could give her some time to think.


Shift's POV

Papyrus, Frisk, and I were on Undyne's Doorstep. While I had made up the excuse to avoid revealing my feelings, I was actually scared. My reasons I'd come up with talking to Frisk seemed pretty good, even to me.

Undyne opened the door. Papyrus introduced Frisk and I. Undyne's big grin became forced as she saw us.

"Why don't you three come in?" she said, trying to sound pleasant.

Screw being scared, I was terrified.

>time skip<

"I'll show him! Us three? We're gonna become besties!" Undyne fell for Papyrus' challenge.

That skeleton is a lot smarter than people give him credit for. I was a lot less nervous now that Undyne wanted to become friends with us, but fear lingered in the back of my head.

It's fine. Frisk knows what they're doing. I told myself.

I was snapped out my thoughts by a spear crashing through the table.

"Holy @#%$!" I screamed.

I apologized for my language as Frisk used the spear to ask for some tea.

I went back to my own thoughts for a bit.

"Hey! Hey human! You okay?" Undyne looked genuinely concerned.

I told her I was fine, just thinking.

"Wow. you remind me of Sans." Undyne chuckled. "Sitting around and daydreaming. As I was saying about Papyrus though, I just don't think I can ever let him into the guard. He's just too nice, y'know?"

Trying to be polite, I agreed.

"Papyrus' cooking lesson! That was today! He's not here, so you two are gonna take the lesson for him!" Undyne jumped up and ran to the counter.

Soon I was starting to understand why Papyrus' cooking was so bad. He learned from Undyne.

Undyne told Frisk to turn the burner of the oven higher. Frisk refused.

"Why? Yeah, that would cook it faster, but wouldn't it be better if we left it here so we have more time to talk?" Frisk sounded like they were almost pleading.

"Okay! Sounds good!" Undyne agreed.

We continued to talk, about the Royal guard. after some convincing Undyne agreed to put some water in the pot. We talked about our friends for a while, and pretty soon Frisk decided the pasta should be taken off the stove. She got up and drained out the water, then put the spaghetti on our plates. It looked like pink mashed potatoes.

"Wow, human! This is pretty good!" Undyne began eating the mush. With trepidation, I took a bite. The texture was awful, but it did taste like spaghetti, at least.

Shifted Love (Sans x Fem!StoryShift Chara)Where stories live. Discover now