7. Morning

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SS!Chara's POV

"Don't worry, they're doing a pacifist run." Sans remarked.

I told him I knew, much to Frisk's Annoyance.

Frisk went through a few shops, then went to the inn. I guess they were tired, maybe they usually slept while they were in the ruins?

Asgore called Sans and he agreed to put a roof over my head, at least for the time being.

We went over to the house.

Sans' POV

I went to sleep pretty quickly. I wasn't concerned with Paps still being out there. He did this every timeline the kid stayed at the inn for a night.

At about 3:00 in the morning I woke up. For once I actually felt rested. I looked over the banister downstairs. Chara was sleeping peacefully on the couch. I decided not to wake them as I tiptoed to the kitchen for some ketchup.

>time skip cause Sans went back to bed<

SS!Chara's POV

I woke up and looked around. Papyrus was nowhere to be found. I looked out the window and saw him standing attentive at the far end of town.

I knew if he was anything like Asriel, he'd been out there all night waiting for the human.

I figured since Rei normally had to wake me up around now, Sans was probably still sleeping. I slipped my boots on and went to Grillbys.

"Heya Grillbz, got any more chocolate?"

Grillby took a brand new bottle from under the table.

"Figured you'd be back, so I bought this." Grillby said. I put a gold coin on the counter. I was about to say something about my tab, but grillby cut me off, saying he'd just put it on Sans' tab, not like he'd notice it.

I walked back to the house.

Sans was there, reading a quantum physics book looking in it, a joke book sat open inside it. Inside it was a quantum physics book. Need I go on?

"Mornin'. I was thinking." He said groggily.

"What's up?"

"As you know, chara dreemurr is dead in this world. It probably wouldn't be a great idea to go by that name.

That made sense to me. We started listing off names until I thought about how roles in my universe were different. It came to me.

"How about Shift? Cause, well, the universe I'm from."

Shift it was. (I'll start calling them Shift, too, to keep it simple.)

"Let's go check if the kid is fighting Papyrus yet." Sans said, heading to the door.

I stopped him. "Why do you call them kid? They're about the same age as us." I asked him.

"Well, their first run they were a kid, but they still age through resets. It's really the only way I can track if there was a genocide, since I can't remember them  if I die." He explained to me.

I didn't tell him, but there was a reason as to why I had asked.

Shifted Love (Sans x Fem!StoryShift Chara)Where stories live. Discover now