22. Preschool

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Three years later.

3rd Person POV

Sans and Shift were nervous. Caveat didn't fit in with the other children in the underground. At just four years old, he had an extensive vocabulary, he was already learning to make magic attacks, and he was extremely good at puzzles.

And he was about to go into preschool. Sans and Shift were almost constantly worrying about him being bullied. But Preschool was required in the Underground, so they had to just hope for the best as they walked him in.

>Time Skip<

Caveat sat on the play mat, taking in the classrooms many colors and sounds. His two cousins sat on either side of him, both of them floating an inch above the carpet. The one who looked like a human started poking him in the arm repeatedly. Caveat looked at his neighbor, annoyed. The boy held out a piece of paper.

Caveat looked at the markings all over the sheet, impressed. It was a pretty good drawing of the two boys, and his two uncles. Suddenly, his other cousin grabbed the paper and tore a tiny corner off, grinning pointedly at his adopted sibling. The human ghost, named Carver, gasped indignantly and took it back, holding it close to his chest as his brother Neo stuck his tongue out at him.

Caveat rolled his eyes and got up to avoid the squabbling ghosts. He went over and sat in the corner by himself.

The class went quiet for a moment as a human looking girl with horns walked in, holding her mother's hand. Ms. Temmie respectfully greeted the Queen and the young Princess Melody.

Melody wished people would stop staring at her, shuffling over to the corner and sitting by a boy who didn't seem like he would bother her.

The quietness passed as the class returned to chaos, largely caused by Neo and a girl with yellow scales and bright red pigtails, as they competed to see who could run around the small tables faster, while the girl's sister shared drawings with Carver.

Caveat held out his hand to Melody for a handshake. "I'm Caveat. Nice to meet you." Melody tentatively accepted the handshake before replying it was nice to meet him, too.

Ms. Temmie got the classes attention as she called out attendance.

"Alitze Iris?" The girl with green scales waved happily before going back to her drawings.

Ms. Temmie stopped, looking at the list. A third of the students had no last name given. She sighed and continued.

"Carver?" The ghost boy held his hand up.

"Caveat?" He cleared his throat and said, "I prefer Cav."

"Dimmen Blook?" a nervous "h-here." came from behind a table.

"Jaxlyn Iris?" the girl with the pigtails said 'here.' while trying to push over Neo.

The teacher knew this student was here, but it was required to ask. "Melody Dreemur?" The Princess of The Underground gave a nervous wave.

"Neo?" The ghost with the face of a skeleton screamed 'here!' before falling over. The class giggled. Cav looked at them icily.

"Orchid Grillby?" a girl with six arms, six eyes, and flaming hair shouted 'here!' very loudly.

"Willard Scott?" A grey Cat-Bunny monster made a shrill screeching noise to indicate his presence.

>Time skip<

"Excuse me, is this Sans the Skeleton? Temmie asked while the children played with blocks.

Sans sighed nervously into the receiver.

"Don't tell me. Caveat is struggling to make friends." He said gruffly.

Temmie laughed. "Actually, I wanted to tell you that he is friends with almost all the children and that he's earned a gold star sticker."

Sans muttered that he was impressed and hung up.

Willard knocked over Carver's tower for the fifth time in a row. Carver started to cry. Ms. Temmie started to rush over to console him, but suddenly Dimmen ran in front of her and tripped, so she had to calm him down.

Cav dropped his ball and looked at Carver crying. He looked at Willard, standing there, looking proud. He repeated this action a couple of times before marching over to Willard.

Willard screeched at Cav as he approached. Caveat just stared at him. Willard began to feel very uncomfortable as the hybrid stared him down, making his fur standing on end.

The lights in Cav's eye sockets vanished as he put his hand on Willard's shoulder. He grinned creepily.

"Apologize. Now." he said. His voice was layered with fake pleasantness.

Willard scoffed. "If I don't?" he looked at Cav's face and instantly wished he could take back those words.

Cav leered into his face. "You'd regret it." any trace of fake friendliness was wiped from his voice.

Willard crouched down and started rebuilding the tower for Carver.

"Play nice. Or else." Cav said, threateningly.

The entire class watched as Cav walked back to the ball he'd been playing with, trying to balance a second ball on top.

Nobody said a word.

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