8. Faker

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Shift's POV

I hadn't told him, but since we fought Frisk together and I had really gotten to know him, I had started to feel funny around Sans. I was old enough (17) to know what was happening.

I liked him as more than a friend. Of course I did. Call it narcissism, call it too lazy to find someone who didn't act just like me, but each time frisk had reset we had a few minutes for us to discuss things about ourselves. He was a nice guy, and I'd honestly always thought he was cute in my world.

We headed out to watch Papyrus and Frisk.

Frisk was, honestly, impressive. Her dodging was perfect, taking no damage from Papyrus. Much to papyrus' surprise. His jaw slowly fell as the fight wore on, Frisk avoiding every hit.

After the fight, Sans took a shortcut. I could see him up ahead, sitting in a sentry station fifty feet away. Frisk went on, followed closely by me.

"Heya kid. Wanna go to Grillbys?" Sans offered. I tried to follow them, but I was stopped by a green vine as they vanished.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower. A little bird told me you were a second Chara."

")&@& off, petals, my name's Shift." I said, trying to head to Grillbys.

"Oh? Well, isn't that strange? You look like chara, but you act like that smiley trashbag. You really are different, aren't you?"

I was starting to get irritated, so I summoned a knife to scare this weed away.

"No need for that. I'm going. But watch your back, Fake Chara." The flowers face morphed to a hideous grin. He laughed maniacally before retreating into the ground.

Frisk came up behind me, a little upset. "Was that Flowey? Whatever he said, don't trust him! He-"

I shushed her and told her to move along.

I headed back to Sans' house. Sans and Papyrus were talking about Undyne, who I understood was the captain of the royal guard.

"Hey Sans, sorry, would've come along, but something happened. What did you guys talk about?" I said.

"Meh, we just got some food and talked about timelines."

Food? Talking like old friends? To me, that sounded sort of like a date. Since I liked him, that really hurt my soul to even think about it.

"You okay kid? You look upset." Sans said

"I'm fine, just cold." I lied.

"Undyne will be expecting a report on our friend soon. Maybe I can convince her to not hurt them." Papyrus ran off.

"They'll be expecting me up ahead. Wanna come with, Shift?"

Shifted Love (Sans x Fem!StoryShift Chara)Where stories live. Discover now