Chapter 1

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(Y/n)= your name
(E/c)= eye colour
(H/c)= hair colour
(S/c)= skin colour

⚠️ Warning: Blood and dog death, skip ahead if you don't want to read that part

The snarling was almost deafening as (y/n) was forced into the small arena. She was instantly attacked by a Rottweiler. People yelled loudly for her to win, their voices mixing with her snarling and growling.

The wolf had to make a show, or else she gets beaten until she can't stand, so she takes it easy on the smaller dog. It snapped and bite her front, left paw, blood staining its teeth. (Y/n) whined a little before biting then neck of the berserk dog, it's blood staining her teeth and black fur.

Blood dripped from a fresh bite on her front leg. Her jaws easily wrapped around the neck of the dog and they tightened, the dog whining and letting go of her paw, struggling to try and loosen her hold. This wasn't her first kill, but she still hated it. Her (e/c) eyes gleamed as she tightened her hold more and dog stopped struggling.

The limp body of the dog dropped to the ground as she sighed, whining a soft apology, more out of habit than respect. The body was dragged out as she was forced to go back to her 'master'.

Dog death over.

(Y/n) was forced through six more fights before her wounds were cared for. She whined when her 'master' walked into the room. His thin, greasy black hair slicked back and his black eyes glared at her. He didn't like it when she got injured, because he had to pay for it.

He handed the large, burly man a small wad of cash that he pulled out of his grey, expensive suit. (Y/n) shrank away when he came near her, shutting her eyes as he backhanded her.

"What have I told you about getting hurt?" He growled, in his hiss of a voice before he pulled out a leather muzzle.

The wolf didn't fight, not wanting another broken rib as he slid the muzzle onto her head. Her ears pinned back in pain as he intently tightened it to where it pinched and almost crushed her face. The, all to familiar, collar was locked around her neck before she was yanked roughly off the metal table she was laying on.

She was used to this. Even when she was kicked in the side for stumbling, she didn't growl or fight, knowing it will lead to a worse punishment. They left the hidden dog fight and she was pulled roughly into the sidewalk. This is just her life. It has been for 8 years.

(Y/n) walked down the street beside her 'master', staying far enough away to make sure he wouldn't be able to step on her paws, but not far enough to where he would be upset. Her slight limp was noticed by some people, but they didn't do anything, thinking she would attack them because of the muzzle. They were right.

For 8 years, all (y/n) was taught was to fight and attack without question except for her 'master'. She suddenly felt her tail slide into her body slightly and her muzzle shorten.


It's already been three months?

The wolf pushed her quirk, trying to make it go for a few more minutes. Her ears slid down and fur began to sink into her body. She stopped without thinking, trying to stay in her wolf form as her paws became hands and feet. The man that held her leash tugged on it roughly and glared back at her, only for his eyes to widen in panic and rage.

"You stupid mutt!" He yelled, stomping over to the half formed wolf who was trying hard to stay in her wolf form.

He picked her up and practically threw her into the nearest alley, causing her to lose concentration. She shifted fully into her human form, (h/c) hair flying out of her head as her black fur disappeared. She landed on a bag of trash and yelped when something sharp went into her bare back.

She only wore a ragged cloth around her chest and lower reigns, her 'master' saying she wasn't worth it. Her hair was grabbed and she was painfully pulled up to be eye level with the man. Tears of pain and fear pricked her eyes as the man gripped her neck with his other hand, moving so he wouldn't be seen if someone passed. She grabbed his wrist and tried to lessen the pressure around her neck.

"Are you trying to get me caught, bitch?" He hissed gripping tighter on her neck and yanked her hair, pushing her harshly against the wall. "You think anyone cares for a ugly, freak like you? I'll just get arrested and you will be on the streets starving and no shelter. Listen here, you piece of crap-"

"Oi!" A voice yelled, the man freezing in place.

(Y/n) couldn't see the person because of the tears and lack of oxygen, but could see a blurry figure with blonde hair. The black haired man let go of her neck and she fell to the ground, coughing harshly as she rubbed her bruised neck.

"Leave while you still can, boy. This has nothing to do with you." The man growled, activating his quirk, knives coming out of his skin made from bone.

"I'm trying to be a hero, and stopping disgusting people like you is in the job description. Now why don't you leave while you still can." The new voice said almost too calmly.

The man charged at the boy, the girl's coughing bow gone, but she kept her eyes shut.

"Fine... then DIE!!"

An explosion came out of his hand and knocked the man back before he reached the blonde, who was smiling like a madman. A crash went through the alley, followed by steady footsteps, then silence. The girl finally opened her eyes and looked up to see a pair of blood red eyes looking down at her. He wore a black shirt with a skull on it and black pants. His spiky, ash blonde hair stuck up in ways that seemed almost impossible. His face was set in a scowl and she whimpered, curling up as she looked down.

The boy's expression changed to a slightly concerned one as he held out his hand to the girl. She looked at the hand, then him. (Y/n) peeked around the boy to see that the man was now unconscious on a pile of trash, his clothes smoking a little. The girl looked back up at the blonde and then his hand, looking back into his blood, red eyes.

So... this is my first bnha fanfic. Hope you guys like it.

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