Halloween Special

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This is a short that isn't connected to the main story.

I have something planned this weekend in a place with little to no WiFi so I can't really update, so this short is to make up for this week. Also, since Halloween is just around the corner, it seems appropriate to make it a little scary. 😈💀👻
( I use a freak ton of emojis for holiday specials, sorry)

⚠️Fair warning, there will be gore and blood.

You huff as you move the last box into your room, sighing in exhaustion. A one day move into your new home really took it out of you. Tired of people, and their constant noise, you decided to move to an isolated log cabin, a few miles out of town. You walked outside of you cabin and take in a deep breath of the pine wood air, the wind gently playing with your hair.

A meow got your attention, your eyes going to your little cat, who was an American Curl cat, it's black fur standing out in the green grass. It's curled back ears twitched as it looked up at you with his bright, green eyes, his long fur recently tamed.

"Hey Loki." You smile, bending down and running your hand through his soft fur, earning a purr from the mischievous cat.

After a minute, Loki slid into the house since you never closed the door, somehow able to close the door behind him. Smiling a little, you stand and look out at the woods, noticing a rustle and a flash of something blonde, but only passed it to be an animal that was curious about you. Going inside, you couldn't shake the feeling of being watched till the door closed, unaware of crimson eyes that watched you as you went to your room and began to unpack.

After unpacking and having a few days to get used to your home, you began to find little, dead animals on your porch. Mice, birds, lizards, frogs, all were put on your porch each night, where you had to gather the dead creature and bury them. You figured it was Loki, but that suspicion went away when he was in the house all day with you, yet you still had dead animals on your porch. You just figured that something was just trying to eat the animal until you scared it off by opening the door.

Weeks passed and the dead animals became normal to you, though you did notice that it went up in size to rabbits and squirrels. Loki was out most days, leaving you alone in your cozy cabin to wonder what was leaving those dead animals on your porch. One day, Loki didn't come back. This worried you a little, but you just thought he was sleeping somewhere. That was, until you opened the door to your porch that night to find Loki, deep holes in his sides like he was bit, and had bleed to death.

You fall to your knees as you pick up your only companion, hoping it was just a cruel joke, only to find that he wasn't breathing and there wasn't a pulse. A note was on the porch under the body, your hand shakily reaching for, opening the blood stained paper.

dEEr mAtE,
u DiD nOt sEEm tO bE EnjOy yOu giFs. mAybE CAt is a DistrACt FrOm jOy. i tOOk carE OF it FOr u.

It was written in shaky handwriting, like they didn't know how to write, a heart covered in your cats blood underneath the words. Looking around a little, you shakily stood up and went to go bury your cat, stopping in your backyard to see that all of the animals you had buried were unearthed and in a pile in the middle of your yard. You quickly put Loki into the earth and bury him, running into your house quickly and checked outside for anything. No stranger or movement, though you did see a flash of blonde in the corner of your eye.

You quickly grabbed your phone and called your friends, hoping they could help, only to hear the ringing coming from somewhere below you. Knowing of the basement, you didn't really go down there except for a few odd things that you found in your stuff. Going to the basement door, you opened it to here the ringing become louder, blood starting to boil.

"You jerks!" You yell as you stomp downstairs. "Why the heck are you here?! And did you kill my cat just to freak me out?! You are so-"

Instead of your friends snickering in a corner, you reached the bottom of the stairs and turned on the light to find something that made your heart stop. Your friends were all on the ground in a heap, their stomachs torn open and blood dried on their necks. An arm, leg or even head was separated from the pile here and there, a severed hand holding a phone tightly that was flashing with your name. The smell of rotting flesh made you realize they had been down here for a while, your heart hammering as you turned around.

A hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you back, a hand covering your mouth as both your hands were grabbed and held behind your back. You couldn't see your offender, but you saw the shadows in the room turn into wolves, who all came toward you calmly.

"They don't like loud noises." A deep voice said from behind you, the hand holding both of yours quickly turning you around and pinned your arms to your sides. "Now let's skip the rest of this courting shit. It's taking to long."

In front of you was a blonde boy with crimson eyes, his teeth sharp and he had claws that dug into your waist a little. Blood was on his mouth, and stained his teeth as he smirked at you.

"Y-you k-killed t-them?" You ask shakily, your brain not working right, so you didn't notice when he picked you up effortlessly.

"Those extras were trespassing on our territory." He shrugged, before smiling wide. "How could we raise pups if they were interrupting us?"

"Wh-what?!" You were freaking out now, able to get out of the blonde's hold somehow, punched him as hard as you could in his jaw and made a dash for the stairs.

You just reached the stares when you were tackled to the ground, the taste of blood in your mouth when you hit the wooden stair. You look up to see a blonde wolf on top of you, about twice the size as the other wolves that were just watching what was going on. It's crimson eyes glowed red, the wolf growling, before he encased your shoulder in his massive jaws and bit into it, making you scream in pain. Blood trickled from the bite as the wolf growled possessively, before letting go and shifting into the blonde boy.

"You got quite a punch." He chuckled, your vision blurring as he picked you up. "Go to sleep mate. When you wake up, I'm going to put a pup in your sweet, little stomach."

He traced a finger over your stomach, making you shiver, the blonde walking to the boiler in the back of the basement. A giant hole was behind it, leading into a cave with even more wolves.

"I'm Bakugou Katsuki." He said before you drifted into sleep, like an after thought. "And you are my pretty little mate. But if you try to run from me or shit like that again, your life is going to be a living hell."

My first time trying to write something intentionally scary. What do you think?

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