Chapter 10

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"Just one bite?" You pleaded, setting your empty plate to the side. "I just want to try some."

"Hell no." Bakugou smiled, turning so you couldn't reach his curry.

"Why?" You whine.

"Because you can't handle it." He stated, continuing to eat.

It has been over a week since Bakugou saved you, and you opened up a lot. Sure you jumped at unexpected noises and would still hide if someone knocked on the door, but you at least were being more like yourself. After years of suppressing it, your personality fell out of you and you were happy being yourself. Around Kirishima, you were timid and hesitant, but you at least had conversation other than homework. With Bakugou, you allowed yourself to let go and be more playful, but avoiding anything that might get you in trouble.

More books and clothes were added to Bakugou's room, having to be under his bed and deep in his closet to make sure no one saw them. You currently were wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans, and even though you have your own clothes, you still wear Bakugou's clothes to bed. Currently, you were trying to get him to let you try his curry, noticing the different smells and the colour of his a little more red.

"How do you know I can't handle it, if you won't let me try it?" You pout, not believing it when he said his curry was too spicy.

"If you burn your damn mouth, it's on you." Bakugou smirked, giving in and holding his plate out.

Smiling brightly, you took a piece of the curry, sticking it into your mouth and giving Bakugou a smug look. It tasted just like yours, making you wonder what the big deal was, until your mouth was suddenly on fire. Your face turning red and you panting to try to cool your mouth, tears filling your eyes, you jump from the bed and run to the bathroom, Bakugou's laugh following you.

"Told ya." He laughed, following you to the bathroom.

You stuck your head under the faucet in the sink, turning on the water and let the cold, liquid slide onto your tongue. Bakugou chuckled before he went back to his bed to finish his meal. It took about ten minutes before you finally turned off the sink and walked back into the room, your tongue still numb, but at least not on fire. You see Bakugou on his phone, a frown on his features as he read what was on it, making you curious.

Climbing onto the bed, you went behind him and looked over his shoulder, catching only the word 'KATSUKI' typed in bold before it was turned off.

"What was it?" You ask, putting your chin on his shoulder as he just stared at the black screen, annoyance visible and his body sagging.

"That old hag wants me to visit this weekend." He growled, the once happy Bakugou now gone. "And she's not taking no for an answer."

"Oh." You say, disappointed a little.

"Kirishima had already made plans, and cancelling them wouldn't be fair to him." Bakugou mumbled, confusing you a little. "She wants me there at least from morning till almost midnight, so you are going to be alone longer than usual."

You realized he wasn't annoyed about being with his family, but concerned about you being alone for so long. You did get lonely, which would result in you in your wolf form and staring out the window, and on the verge of tears, believing to be abandoned. Kirishima couldn't be there everyday, so your wait for someone would vary and make you anxious. The books help a little, but you soon loose internist.

"Ma-maybe I could... meet someone else?" You suggested, making him look up at you, his crimson eyes studying you to make sure you were alright. "I-I think I'm ready."

Bakugou watched you for a second before sighing and turning fully toward you, looking into your eyes to make sure you weren't lying and pushing yourself.

"You sure?" He asked, wanting to make sure you were really ready.

A nod from you made him sigh again and lay back onto his bed, the dinner dishes piled on his nightstand.

"Who would you like to meet?" Bakugou asked, clearly trying to come up with who you would be comfortable with.

"Kaminari sounds nice." You say, thinking back to what Bakugou and Kirishima told you about their classmates. "Sero sounds cool too. And Mina sounds fun, but she might be to loud."

"I can get you to meet all three." Bakugou stated, his eyes closed as he thought. "Their not the brightest, but they are nice. Tape arms  could keep them both in check, and racoon eyes would be a good idea since she's a girl. I think dunce face could make you laugh."

"Sounds fun." You smile, going to the closet and grabbing you pajamas and headed for the bathroom. "But maybe not all three at once."

"Yeah, I know." Bakugou smiled, moving to sit on the edge of his bed. "That better not be my favorite shirt."

You stop dead in your tracks, tensing as your held the black shirt tighter, glancing over your shoulder at him. He was smirking, all stress, anger and annoyance gone as his crimson eyes locked with your (e/c) ones.

"And what if it is?" You ask, watching as Bakugou stood up and walked toward you, his smirk growing.

"Then I'll just make your food the same as mine." He smiled evilly, stopping a few feet from you.

"Nope." You quickly shove his shirt into his arms, rushing to the closet to get one of his other shirts that he never uses.

Bakugou chuckled, watching you as you scrambled into the bathroom to change, going to the closet and putting the shirt up. Using the closet as a shield, he changed to before going to his bed, a frown now evident on his face as he thought of something. You walk out of the bathroom, tossing your clothes into an open hamper and went to the bed, looking at Bakugou to see his frown.

"Whatcha thinking about?" You ask, sitting down in the bed and looking at his frown, wondering what was upsetting him.

Looking at you, his frown went away, a slight pink on his cheeks like every night when you come out wearing his shirt.

"It's nothing important." He sighs, smiling to ward off your concern before moving so that you had room on the bed. "Let's just go to sleep. I have to introduce you to those idiots tomorrow."

You smile and climb into bed, Bakugou's arm taking it's usual place around your waist, the other reaching over and turning of his light. Pulling up the blanket and wrapping his other arm around you, he smiled as you begin to fall asleep, gently playing with your hair.

Tomorrow, you meet the rest of the Baku-squad.

Your going to need your rest.

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