Chapter 3

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New cover. Took me forever to make. Hope you guys like it.

After carrying (y/n) for most of the way, he set her down when they reached the dorms so he could open the door. She was able to stand for a few seconds before falling over, Bakugou catching her before she hit the ground.

This was one of the side effects that happens if she uses her quirk for to long. Since she has been on four legs for months, when she shifts, she usually sits in a corner, waiting their until her quirk recharged while trying not to catch her 'masters' attention. Another one of the side effects is that she forgets what form she's in and she starts to crave red meat.

Bakugou made her lean on him as he lead her inside. He was wondering where everyone was since the dorms seemed to quiet, when his phone buzzed in his pocket. He made (y/n) sit on the couch in the common area, her eyes staying trained on the floor as he pulled out his phone.

Text from- Aizawa
I took the class out for training. Make (y/n) some food while she takes a shower.
Your going to have to let her wear some of her clothes until we can get her some new ones.

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