Chapter 13

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August 13th, 2019
1st in #bakugou
1st in #brokenreader
3rd in #wolfreader
6th in #xreader
26th in #bnha

Nearly 300 votes and nearly 5K reads...

You guys are so amazing to stick to this story for so long and the feedback inspires me to continue with this. Everyone of you beautiful people are so amazing. Thank you.😊

Bakugou returns to the dorms with his bag bulging, stuff to keep you entertained and sweets for you to try hidden beneath clothes he forgot at his house. He was annoyed about his Mom pulling him to their house, just to yell at him, but he at least was able to get you a few things. He walked through the doors to find Kaminari being scolded by Iida, Mina and Kirishima were talking to other students in the dorms. Walking pass the crowd unnoticed and not interested, he only thought about you.

That question didn't need to be answered when he saw Sero walking toward the elevator, Bakugou clenching his teeth. How long were you alone? What are you doing now? Are you okay? All these thoughts ran through his head as he picked up his pace, getting the attention of a certain green haired boy.

"Tape-arms!" Bakugou yelled, making Sero tense and turn his head slowly.

"Oh, hey Bakugou." He smiled nervously, turning around to face the blonde. "I was just about to head upstairs an- Hey! Ow!"

Bakugou grabbed his arm and dragged him to the elevator, practically throwing him in before entering himself, jabbing the button to his floor. Facing the door, small explosions escaped his palms as Sero pressed against the wall.

"How long has (Y/n) been alone?" Bakugou said in a voice way too calm, Sero still tense and was looking around for escape.

"About two to three hours." Sero admitted, knowing he wasn't going to get out of this. "Kaminari shorted out the power and if I didn't get downstairs, people might start looking for me. Not to mention that I needed to keep Mineta from sneaking into the girls rooms while the power was out."

Bakugou growled, the elevator opening and he walked out, Sero sighing in relief and practically collapsed on the floor. The blonde walked to his room, the sound of whimpers and whines making him pick up his pace and jerk his door open. Laying on his bed, in wolf form, you were curled up a ball, body shaking and paws moving like to shield yourself from something. Rushing to your side, he placed a hand in your fur, making you yelp and jump up with freight, panting heavily and eyes opened wide, looking around widely.

"Hey, it's okay." Bakugou said, his comforting voice slowly getting better, but still needed work.

You shift and launch at him, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck and burying your face into his shoulder, crying into it, body still shaking. He held you and rubbed your back soothingly, sitting on his bed so that you wouldn't fall.

"I'm here." He mumbled, his embrace allowing you to feel safe and warm. "That damn bastard is no where near. I promise. He's never going to hurt you again. I'll protect you."

These promises comforted you and you began to calm down, sliding you arms from his neck to rest on his shirt. Pressing your forehead into his shoulder so you could breath better, you looked up at the blonde, his crimson eyes holding concern and an emotion you couldn't describe. Your hair was hiding your face from him, Bakugou still trying to comfort you, but it annoyed him how your hair was hiding you (e/c) eyes.

Brushing the hair away from your face, he smiled, a soft, genuine smile that made you calm and smile back at him. He began to gently play with your hair as you pressed into his chest, your eyes heavy from crying and exhausted after the nightmare. You opened your eyes when you felt Bakugou's hand move from your hair and lift your chin, his face holding hesitation as he studied you.

"Aw." Mina's voice came from the door, making Bakugou snap his attention to her. "Don't mind us. We were never here."

Mina was standing in the doorway with Sero, Denki and Kirishima, all four watching both of you with sly and knowing smirks. Bakugou's face was dusted pink and he dropped your chin, glaring at them with annoyance.

"Come on Bakugou." Mina urged, Kaminari pretending that his heart was ripped out while watching you and the blonde.

"Get the hell out of here, you damn idiots." Bakugou growled, but he didn't move, all four knowing that he wouldn't.

"You were so close." Kirishima sighed, cursing himself for being unmanly by interrupting.

Bakugou was had about enough, but a gentle tug from you got his attention, his rigid, tense body relaxing when seeing you. Tiredly, you reached behind you both and tugged at a blanket, weakly lifting it up, about to fade into sleep, and draped it over you the best you could. He got the hint, the others did as well, backing out of the room and closing the door, Mina giving him a knowing and sly smile before it closed all the way. With a sigh, Bakugou gently moved you onto the bed, covering you with the blanket and got changed.

You waited, your eyes half closed and your body relaxed, but you didn't fall asleep, wanting to be back in Bakugou's warm, safe arms before venturing into the dream realm. He returned and turned off the lights, climbing into bed and pulled you in a tight, but gentle embrace. Gladly, you snuggled into his warmth and rest your head on his shoulder, his arms wrapped around your waist and chest in a protective way, making you feel safer. Right before you fell asleep, you felt Bakugou move his hand up and play with your hair, sighing as his other arm pulled you closer.

"You do know you weren't supposed to wear that shirt." He smirked, your eyes opening a little more.

"It... soft." You mumble in a tired voice, unable to complete your sentences, your eyes getting heavier. "You....couldn't stop.... wear..."

"Go to sleep, Wolfy." He said, which you did without complaint, listening to his heartbeat.




"I was so close."

Broken Wolf (Bakugou x wolf!reader)Where stories live. Discover now