Chapter 9

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1,000 READS! I never thought that my story would be good enough to get that many!

Since people seem to like this, I'm going to make another book based on what people wanted in Chapter 7. Wings of Silver (Kirishima x reader), was the only one that got any kind of interaction, so I'm going to publish it as a celebration.

Classes started the next day, Bakugou having to leave to go to class, and because he had an extra class, Kirishima promised to be there after school. You were laying on the bed, staring out the window and watched as a light breeze picked up petals and leaves, making them fly around in swirls. A knock made you jump, shifting into a wolf as you stood on the bed, looking at the door, your fur standing up as your look at the door. It opened slightly and Kirishima slid inside, shutting the door behind him and smiled at you.

"Bakugou will be here in a bit. He's just got to do a class." Kirishima smiled, coming up to the bed and tossing his bag next to it. "So what do you want to do?"

You just laid down in your wolf form and looked back out the window, wanting to return to your daydream. Kirishima's smile faded a little, before he sat on the bed, waving his hand in front of you. You just glanced at him before looking out the window again, not really caring, wanting to go back to your thoughts.

"Do you want to help me study?" He asked, peeking your interest and made you perk up your ears, showing you were listening. "There's this test I need to study for, and.... well... I was thinking you could ask me questions."

Though you weren't given much opportunities, you learned how to read and write, using signs and a few books you would find, along with old newspapers. You are actually quite intelligent based on your limited resources. Kirishima brings out his books and you shift, taking the one that he handed to you and scanned through it, finding it was a math textbook. A few more about different subjects laid on the bed, but you focused on the book in your hand, Kirishima telling you that he needed to study.

You were able to understand it enough to help him, the time going by quickly and Kirishima was getting the hang of it. The door to the room opened and you looked up to see Bakugou, his face an unreadable expression when he saw you with Kirishima. The red head quickly packed his stuff and stood up, confusing you a little why he was being so quick about it.

"(Y/n) was just helping me study." Kirishima smiled, able to slip by Bakugou and into the hallway. "I'll just go see what Denki and Mina are up to."

Bakugou said nothing as he glared at the sharp toothed boy, shutting the door behind him and looked at you, his expression soft, but it was clear something was bothering him.

"Whats wrong?" You ask, watching him as he tossed his bag onto his desk and seemed to collapse on the bed.

"That icy hot bastard was one upping me again." He answered, stretching beside you.

"Icy hot..." You were confused, since he was yelling about Deku, racoon eyes and icy hot.

Bakugou didn't seem to use peoples names, just names that would explain their looks or personality. You were curious to know why he called them these names, wondering if it was just a habit, or if it was because he didn't care about the names of his classmates. He didn't answer, just groaned a little before sitting up and looking at his desk where his bag lay.

"Mr. Aizawa gave me some things, but to make it look less suspicious, I have to bring a little at a time." Bakugou mumbled, something clearly bothering him a little. "It's a few clothes that should last you a week. Along with a few things that should keep you entertained till I get back."

You nod, but didn't make a move, wondering what was bothering him. Shifting into your wolf, you climb into his lap and lay down, laying on your side so you cold see him. A look of confusion was on his face, pink lightly spreading across it, but he didn't seemed to be bothered by anything anymore.

"What have I told you." Bakugou mumbled, trying to sound cross, but it was still soft, his hand going into your fur. "You spent enough time as a wolf."

You huff a little before shifting again, his face now a noticeable pink as he looked at you in his lap.

"That doesn't mean you shift in my lap!" He yelled, surprised that you would.

Climbing off of his lap, you had to fight from laughing at his reaction, but you couldn't help but smile. You cover your face to hide it from him as he went and grabbed his bag, pulling out clothes and books. You went to the desk and took the clothes, going to the closet and putting them in the farthest corner to hide them from prying eyes.

"I'm going to have to introduce you with someone else." Bakugou said suddenly, making you look up from your work. "I don't want to rush you, so when you think your ready to be introduced to someone else, just tell me."

You nod in acknowledgment, before getting back to work. After a minute, the clothes were put away and you went back to the desk to find Bakugou studying. Grabbing one of the books that he brought with him, you sat on his bed and began to read. After half an hour, Bakugou left to grab food, leaving you alone once more. But you barely noticed when he left, the book drawing you in and keeping you trapped in the fiction world until a gentle shaking got you out of your trance.

"Hey!" The book was taken from your hands and set on the bed.

"I was reading that." You whine, glaring at him in a playful manner.

"Well you still need to eat." He smirked, putting the plate in your lap. "Damn nerds almost caught me when I was bringing this to you, so you better enjoy it."

You nod and dig into your meal, finishing it quick and grabbed your book, returning to the land of fiction. Bakugou smiled slightly and shook his head before continuing with his studying. When it was time for you two to sleep, Bakugou wrapped his arms around you and held you to his chest. This made you feel safe during the night, and kept the nightmares away, and you were able to convince Bakugou to do it.

Broken Wolf (Bakugou x wolf!reader)Where stories live. Discover now