Chapter 14

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 I'm taking too long to get to the main story I have planned, so brief summaries of how you meet more of the class.

A few weeks had passed, and you were introduced to only five other people; Shoji, Ojiro, Koda, Tokoyami, and Jiro. Kirishima was assigned to introducing you to people, since Bakugou basically kidnaps them, and that leads to issues. Shoji apparently knew for a while, but understood based on what he heard, and promised to hide it from the rest of the class. He scared you a little at your first introduction, but after a while, you found he was a really nice guy.

Ojiro also took it well, and he was nice to you, even allowed you to hold his tail if he was in the room with you while you wait for Bakugou. The explosive blond didn't seem to like coming back with you hugging Ojiro's tail, but he was able to hide it enough that it was barely noticeable. Barely.

Koda was very timid when he first came into the room, but seeing you in your wolf form made him relax. He began to talk to you in a soft, soothing voice that made you want to obey whatever he said. It took you a second to regain yourself, but the shock look you got from him when shifting was priceless. He hated what you were put through, so he was able to sneak his rabbit into the room every now and then to make you smile.

Thankfully, since you've been in human form for so long, you didn't attack the white rabbit. Apparently his quirk can work on you, but only halfway, so he can't force you to do something you don't want to do. Since he didn't talk to others because of his shyness, your secret was safe with him.

Tokoyami scared you a little as well, but you began to warm up to him a little if he was with you, able to see that he was nice, beside his dark and cold appearance. Dark Shadow was also fun to talk to, since he would end up being able to cheer you up if you were missing Bakugou. He promised to keep the secret, since he kept mostly to himself anyway, so he wasn't a problem.

Jiro was shocked when she first was introduced to you, but she understood and promised not to tell anyone. She would come around and share her music with you, and she would be able to keep Kaminari at bay if he became flirty. Though she didn't say anything, she still was skeptical about you being Bakugou, but since he didn't hurt you, she was fine with it.

You've now meet half of the students in the dorms, each choosing a day to hang out with you while Bakugou had his extra class. You were currently reading a book, listening to the music Jiro got you, Shoji studying at the cluttered desk. He was keeping an eye on you, quite literally, but you were used to his strange dupli-arms, finding it reassuring that you were safe. One of his arms was an ear, that moved slightly and he stood up, beginning to pack up his books. 

"Bye Shoji." You smile, putting your book down and waved at him, receiving a wave in return before the door opened.

Bakugou walked in, leaving the door open so that Shoji could leave, his eyes going to you and the scowl that was set in his face softened and he relaxed. Tossing his bag on the ground, he glanced at the door the moment it closed. He stared at the door and clenched his fist, but he noticed you were watching him, so he tried to relax.

"Whats wrong?" You ask, turning off your music and swung your legs over to the edge of the bed.

"That damn Deku keeps on-" He stopped himself when small explosions appeared in his hands, his body tense again, only for his crimson eyes to look at you and he relaxed. "It's nothing important. So hows the music Earphone Girl gave ya?"

"Why can't you just use their actual names?" You sigh, Bakugou walking over to the bed and sat beside you.

"Like I have time to remember their names." He tsked, looking at you with a playful smirk. "Not to mention some of their reactions are priceless. Right, Pup?"

You playfully pushed him, making him chuckle, raising his hands up in defense. You suddenly remembered something, your heart sinking a little when you thought about it. Looking at the bed, you played with the corner of the bed sheet.

"Do you think Aizawa has found my parents yet?" You question, looking at Bakugou hesitantly to see that he had a sympathetic look with concern.

"Not yet." He sighed.

You were both terrified and excited to get to see them, if they were alive or even wanted to see you. The possible scenarios running through your head, where they either reject you, make you move in with them or that they are going to understand and move here for you. Honestly, you wanted to meet them and talk to them, hear that they had been looking for you for years, but then you could probably be taken away from-

A knock at the door made your train of thought come to a halt, your head turning toward the door, then back at Bakugou. Neither you or Bakugou were expecting anyone, so it was a little nerve wreaking, since half of the students you knew, but there was still a half you don't know. The knock happened again, timid and made you think it was Koda, but you didn't want to jump into something. You shift quickly and go under the bed as the standard precaution, Bakugou standing up and went to the door. As soon as it opened, you knew he didn't like who it was, your ears twitching to hear the low growl.

"What do you want, shitty nerd?" He growled, a yelp making you curious.

"Ka-Kacchan!" A timid voice squeaked, like they didn't expect the other to be there. "I-I was j-just w-wondering what you ha-have been u-up to, since I-I do-don't see you ex-except in cl-class."

"It's none of you damn business, shitty Deku!" Bakugou practically roared, a loud explosion making both you and the boy jump at the same time. "Now leave, nerd."

"W-wait!" The boy called out before the door closed all the way.

"What?!" Bakugou yelled at Deku, your ears pinning back at the tone, as he yanked the door open again.

"I-I was wondering." He said timidly, like he expected a 'no', but he some how get enough confidence and now wasn't stuttering. "Is there someone else in your room?"

Bakugou remained silent as you tensed a little.

"You see..." Deku began, taking the silence to continue. "You bring up two plates of food instead of one, which I originally thought was a growth in appetite, but then you started to come back to the dorms with it stuffed full. There's also the fact that Mineta said something about you going to Midnight for stuff and-"

He continued to mumble and explain, though it made you more confused, Bakugou just standing there, glaring at the male in front of him.

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