Chapter 24

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Sorry for being late. I was really tired last night and was distracted.

It was dark. You couldn't see anything but the dark, dirt covered walls of the alley you were in. There was no way out. Slowly, it got a little brighter. It looked like the alley that you first meet Bakugou in. Trash bags were beside overflowing, filled trashcans, a dumpster pressed against the opposite wall. Graffiti and dirt covered the grubby, grey walls. You were sitting on the ground, leaning against a wall, watching the sky that was swirling with grey clouds.

"Well, well, well." A chilling, familiar voice echoed through the closed off alley, making you tense and look around. "If it isn't my little pup. It's good to see you again. How about we go a round, for old times sake."

A dark, familiar silhouette came out of the shadows. Scared, you stood and tried to run, only to end up stuck, unable to move. He lifted his hand, smiling wide, your body lifting off the ground, your throat constricting. Tears pricked your eyes as he tightened his grip, the constriction going down to your chest and crushed your rids.

"Are you even trying?" He chuckled darkly, his hand now in a fist, your body feeling like it was being crushed. "You've gotten weak since last time."

His voice echoed in your head, loud and menacing, your heart hammering as you struggled to breath. Suddenly, a loud explosion echoed through the sky, the wall behind you shattering into pieces.

"(Y/N)!" Bakugou yelled from behind you.

You heard him grunt, Bakugou being lifted in front of you, the man's other hand lifted up and he was laughing darkly.

"I see that you have a little friend." He laughed darkly, Bakugou grunting while the man made his hand into a fist. "I told you to not get attached to anyone. There is always... consequences."

Bakugou yelled in pain, blood coming from his mouth, his limbs tightening to his sides, his body being crushed slowly. You couldn't move. You couldn't scream, even though you tried. Not a sound came from your throat. Watching Bakugou slowly die made you frantic, your body shaking and tears streaming down your cheeks. His body went limp, the man opening his hand and Bakugou fell on the ground, his crimson eyes looking at you as they dulled.

You woke up screaming, sweat covering your body and your sheets wrapped tightly around your body. Tears were still flowing, your eyes looking around your room in fear. You had been moved to your own dorm room next to Mina's. Since you hadn't had nightmares in a while, no one considered you would have them again. Groaning, you laid back down, wanting to go back to sleep, but you couldn't fall back asleep, the image of Bakugou, dead on the ground still fresh in your mind.

Getting out of bed, you hugged your blanket to your chest, walking out of your room into the hallway. Mina's door was opened and she was looking around, tired and worried, seeing you walk out of your room and begin your trek down the hall.

"Hey (y/n)." She called out, your pace pausing and you turned your head, holding the blanket tighter to your chest. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." You mumble. "Just a little dream."

"Okay." She answered, concerned and unsure. "You can talk to me whenever."

You nod before walking down the hall, Mina watching for a second before closing her door. Going to the elevator, you went to the first floor, nuzzling your blanket. Tired and wanting to go back to sleep, you walk out of the elevator and to the males dorms, going straight to the elevator. The door opened to show Kaminari, his eyes half open and he was shuffling toward the kitchen.

His eyes opened more when he saw you walking to the elevator, about to say something, but you just walked past him and into the small, moving, metal room. You pressed the button for the fourth floor, the doors closing with a concerned Kaminari staring at you. You watched the numbers change, hugging your blanket closer. The doors opened and you went past Shouji's and Kirishima's rooms, grabbing the doorknob to Bakugou's room.

You opened the door and closed it softly behind you, walking to his bed, the room illuminated by the moon that came from the window. He looked peaceful, your body relaxing after seeing that he was okay. Tears pricked your eyes remembering your nightmare, your blanket dropping on the ground and you practically fell onto him, wrapping your arms around him. He grunted from the sudden feeling of weight on his chest, waking up.

"What the hell." He groaned, looking down at you with annoyance. "Why are yo-"

He stopped when he saw that you were crying, clutching onto his shirt your tears drenching his chest. You close your eyes, tired and wanting to go back to sleep, not caring that half your body wasn't even on the bed. You instantly fell asleep, Bakugou noticing how you relaxed.

"Your such a dumb ass." He mumbled, sitting up and moved you onto the bed. "I thought you were done with these stupid nightmares."

He hugged you to his chest, missing your warmth and your soft skin, smiling a little when he noticed that you had snagged one of his shirts to wear to bed. Running his hand through your hair, he lowered his head and kissed your forehead softly, before resting his chin on your head.

"I'm never going to let anything happen to you." He promised, hugging you closer while playing with your hair. "I'll protect you. I promise."

You were back in the alley, the man smiling while lifting you off the ground, starting to choke you. This time, you were able to struggle, his smile faltering a little.

"So you didn't become weak. That's good to know." He smirked, tightening his grip, about to crush your throat. "Now lets -"

He couldn't finish what he was saying, the wall behind him exploding and the rubble covering and crushing his body. You fell to the ground, only to be caught in a pair of strong arms. You lifted your head to see Bakugou's crimson red eyes, a smile on his face as he held you to his chest.

"I told you that I would protect you." He began to walk out of the alley, that disappeared and turned into cheery blossom trees.

The petals danced in the sky, floating and spiraling around you and Bakugou, the sun illuminating them and Bakugou's hair was shinning. His smile was bright and genuine, as he carried you, his eyes shinning.

"I'm never going to let anything happen to you." He promised, going somewhere that felt safe and warm.

Really sorry about the late update. Super sorry. Anyway, hope you like it.

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