Chapter 28

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"My, what a touching moment."

You froze and looked up slowly, fear radiating from your body as you backed away. Bakugou turned around and glared at the man, murder in his eyes. The man behind him had a friendly smile on his face, his silver eyes holding only care with dark bags under his eyes. Dark brown hair went past his ears, bits of silver starting to show on the sides. He was dressed in a brown business suit, witch was a little loss on him. He rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling to himself as he thought of the situation.

"I didn't mean to interrupt. I just came to get something of mine." He smiled sweetly, Bakugou still glaring until he noticed how you had practically had shrank so far back, that you almost fell out of the chair.

"(Y/n)?" He asked, concerned, the man watching with interest, his smile still kind and gentle. "Hey. Are you okay?"

"I-it-he's-I-" You stammered, getting out of your chair and backed up against the wall, looking into his eyes with fear. "He's the-I can't-"

"Looks like your a little tongue tied there (Y/n)." He smiled, taking a step forward before Bakugou turned around, his expression now concentrated and fierce.

"Don't take another step closer." He growled, trying to piece together what was happening, explosions crackling in his hands.

"My, what an interesting quirk." The man chuckled lightly, lifting his hand up slowly. "You could actually be a problem."

He positioned his hand like he was messing with a puppet, and Bakugou felt his body go limp. His head fell down, his arms at his sides, his mouth closed and his eyes wide. The man flicked his wrist and Bakugou lifted his head, his arms now lifted up like he was flexing, his knees coming together and his legs now split apart. A twirl from his fingers caused Bakugou to lower one arm and move his other in front of him, the man turning him so he was facing a wall. Squeezing his hand, Bakugou let out an explosion, blasting tables and chairs into pieces.

"Very interesting." The silver eyed man laughed, before making him to turn around full and blast another few tables and chairs. "You are quite a powerful puppet. Maybe I might bring you with us."

Ayatsuri Ningyo-shi, also known as the puppet master. His quirk, as you might have guessed, is that he can control anyone like as if they were a puppet, as long as the threads stayed intact. You could see the thin threads that linked his fingers and hand to the blonde's limbs, watching with fear as he maneuvered him in circles, checking his new toy with a smile. Your nightmares all came back, flashing before your eyes, making hot tears start running down your cheeks.

Shaking your head, you got ride of the thoughts, growling as you push yourself off the wall. Ayatsuri looked away from the explosive boy in wonder, watching as you shifted in midair and tackled him to the ground. Swiping your paw in front of his hand, you felt the threads break, and heard a thump as Bakugou fell to the floor. You didn't look back to make sure he was okay, but instead, growled and tried to bite the man under you, able to bite his arm, holding it tightly, blood dripping out of his arm.

He let out a loud yell, before punching you with his other hand, trying to get you to let go, but you only growled and tightened your hold. Ayatsuri put his feet onto your stomach and kicked you off, making you fly and hit your head hard on the wall. Your vision blurred and a ringing was going through your ears, a metallic taste starting to fill your mouth. Shaking your head, you growled before standing, about to attack when he brings his hand up to you and puts it into a puppeteer position.

You froze and went limp, only seeing the floor, your body rising a little in the air, your jaw now slack and hanging open. He stood and tucked his injured arm to his chest, his friendly eyes now finally showing the true cruelty and anger behind his facade. Pulling his arm out, your body was forced to swing in that direction, before he swiped his arm in front of him, causing you to crash into the wall. A large dent was in the wooden wall, starting to break through from the first hit, your entire left side now pounding in pain.

He made you meet the opposite wall with as much force and speed, your right side now throbbing and you had heard a sickening snap, pain shooting up your right front paw. Next thing you were slammed against was the ceiling, then the floor, before hitting the first wall again. You broke through the first layer, Ayatsuri lifting you from the broken and splintered wood on the floor. Your head rang from the pain, your body throbbing hard and it hurt to breath, your eyes heavy, blood dripping from your mouth, some his, but most of it was yours. Before the puppeteer could slam you against the other wall again, a loud explosion echoed through the room, mixing with the ringing in your ears.

You fell to the ground, sharp and splintered wood cutting your side and some of the wood went into your skin. The exhaustion that takes over after being controlled made it harder for you to open your eyes and look at what was going on. Bakugou had blasted Ayatsuri through the building, the man crashing through the window and hit the building on the other side of the street, a deep dent now in the side of the building. He looked at you, exhaustion clear on his face, his body moving slowly, but he still tried to get to you. Bakugou collapsed midway, but was able to get back up and stumble his way to you again, panting heavily.

He collapsed beside you, leaning against the undamaged part of the wall, looking you over, his eyes landing on the wood in you side and the way how your paw was crooked. Grunting, he sat back up, grabbing a table cloth that had been strewn onto the ground. Getting to your side, he pressed his warm, calloused hand on your side, grabbing the wood and pulled it out. He was panting heavily and his moves sluggish, while you could barely keep your eyes open, the pain fading to numbness and you couldn't fight it anymore. You closed your eyes, letting the sweet embrace of sleep to take you, able to hear Bakugou mutter under his breath as he tried to patch up your wound.

"That bastard just ruined everything. I'm never going to get that shitty kiss at this rate."

I feel bad for what I have done, but it was necessary.

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