Chapter 4

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I now people hate author notes in the beginning sometimes, but I would like to say thank you for reading my story. I know I haven't updated, but 100 reads a milestone for me in such a short amount of time. I don't want to bother you to much, but it would really motivate me if someone commented. I just want to know what you guys are thinking and if you really like it. And thank you to those who voted.

Also going to change my writing style a little.

Kay, to the story.

Bakugou grumbled to himself a little as he cooked, constantly checking his phone. He didn't want to deal with any drama his classmates would give him if they saw Y/n. The curry was almost done when he heard soft footsteps behind him. He checked over his shoulder and his eyes widened a little.

He had tossed a bag of clothes into the baths for you to change, just a pair of his shorts and one of his shirts he never wears. Bakugou was expecting you to wear them, but not to look so good in it. The white shirt was big on you, going pass your thighs and covering the shorts you were wearing underneath.

Your (h/c) hair was shinning a little, plastered to you forehead, your skin a little lighter now that the layer of dirt and blood was off. Bakugou turned his attention back to the curry, trying to focus on that and hide the small spread of pink on his cheeks.

"Go sit down. The curry's almost done." Bakugou said, keeping his eyes on the curry.

He heard soft footsteps grow faint, sighing as his cheeks cooled off. The blonde dished up the curry and turned around, expecting to see Y/n sitting at one of the tables or one of the couches or many chairs in the common area. Instead, you were sitting in the corner of the room, knees to your chest and staring at the floor.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Bakugou yelled, getting you to look up at him as he walked over to you, leaving the curry on the counter. "There are seats literally everywhere and you sit in a damn corner."

"I'm not allowed on the furniture." You state in a soft voice, making Bakugou stop mid-step. "Stop trying to fool me... master."

You had to choke out master, never liking using it, but your rarely had to. Bakugou continued his trek toward you, making you close your eyes and prepare to be punished for speaking. Instead you felt a hand on your shoulder, making you open your eyes, looking up to see Bakugou kneeling in front of you. Your (e/c) orbs meet his crimson ones, not seeing the cruelty and hate that any of your past 'masters' had, but concern and an emotion you can't really place.

"Look..." Bakugou began, sighing in irritation at himself. "No one is your master, alright? Your not an animal that people can control. Your allowed on furniture. Your allowed to talk. Your allowed to do any freaking thing you want. Your a human, not a dog."

Tears welled in your eyes. Was he being serious? For over half of your life, you were taught you were nothing but a dog. You were told that you didn't get the same rights as humans. Now, Bakugou is telling you that you are. Was this real or a dream? Did you die in the alleyway and you were brought to the afterlife?

Bakugou sighed when he saw the tears begin to slip down your cheeks, the look of confusion evident as he stood up. He offered his hand to you, not fully sure if it was right or not. He doesn't have time to be nice, so this is new to him. (Y/n) took his hand and he helped you up, looking at you awkwardly as you wiped your tears away.

"We're going to my room." Bakugou said after a few minutes. "I don't know when the class will return to the dorms, so it's probably the best so you don't get flocked by those losers."

You nodded and followed him as he walked to the counter, Bakugou grabbing the curry and carrying it with him as he walked to the elevator. Your stomach growled when the elevator was going up, the sound echoing a little in the small, moving room. A blush made its way onto your cheeks as you stared at the floor, the smell of the curry making your mouth water. Bakugou smirked slightly and shook his head a little when he saw how embarrassed you were.

The elevator opened and Bakugou walked into the hallway, with you following close behind, finding the floor very interesting. He went into his room and allowed you in before closing it. He walked over to his bed and sat down, looking up at you when he noticed you were just standing awkwardly in the entryway.

"If you want to eat, you have to sit down." Bakugou said, making you hurry to sit on the bed, your stomach growling.

He chuckled a little at your enthusiasm and handed you the plate with a pair of chopsticks. You took the chopsticks and tried to mimic the way you saw people use them. You failed and somehow ended up hitting yourself in the face with one. Bakugou had to fight from smiling while watching you struggle. You gave up and decided to stab the curry, about to do so when Bakugou stopped you.

"Let me help you." He insisted, moving closer to your and taking both of the chopsticks, setting them in your hand the correct way.

You were to hungry to realize how close he was as he got you to open and close the chopsticks. He pulled away when you got a hang of it and began to eat. You didn't care about anything else as you ate, your tongue burning slightly from the slight bit of spice, but it was still mild. The plate was empty after a few minutes. Bakugou was slightly surprised, because he had put a large pile of curry on the plate, just to make sure you had enough, but didn't expect you to eat all of it.

With your stomach finally full after years of starvation, you felt drowsy. You yawned widely, letting out a slight dog like whine when you were done, stretching. The room was warm, the bed soft, and you finally felt safe. You looked around for something for you to sleep on.

"You tired?" Bakugou questioned, taking the plate from your lap and watched you as you nodded your head, looking at him with tired eyes. "You can sleep on my bed. I'll talk to Aizawa about getting another bed or something."

You nodded and crawled fully on his bed, laying down and instantly began to sleep when your head landed on the soft, fluffy pillows. Bakugou watched you for a minute, a small blush on his cheeks as he studied your sleeping face. He shook his head and got up, taking the plate with him. He eased himself out of the room, watching you the whole time until he shut the door. His phone vibrated in his pocket and he jumped slightly, pulling it and groaned.

His class was back.

Broken Wolf (Bakugou x wolf!reader)Where stories live. Discover now