Chapter 17

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Hey... I meet the deadline. I've reached over 500 votes and almost 13k reads, so I wanted to share a picture I drew of Koda, since this sweet guy is so underappreciated. It was a test draw to see who I can draw or not. He's one of the few MHA characters I can draw well.

It's been a few days since you being introduced tot he whole class, and things have already fallen into a nice rhythm. Now allowed to wander the dorms, you would be in the lounge, waiting for people to get back. You would watch TV, wander outside a little ways in the back, and curl up in a couch, reading a book. Iida made sure to be the first to always arrive, just to make sure you were okay, before going to his room and study.

Everyone else would come soon after, the girls all huddling around you and talked about their day. Boys would randomly come up and try to start a conversation, Deku coming up and asking questions about your quirk, like the limits and drawbacks, multiple times. Sato had baked you a cake the day after you meet him, and since, he started bringing you small baked goods to help with your appetite. You would talk to mostly the girls, eating the treats, until Bakugou would arrive.

You always hopped up from the couch and accompany him back to his room, which he quite enjoyed, though he wouldn't admit it. You still ate your meals in his room, but you would still go downstairs to socialize a little before heading up to bed. Now, you knew everyone and had befriended them all, not counting Mineta, since he just got on your nerves easy and the way how he talked about girls creeps you out.

The only one you didn't get to talk to much was Todoroki, who would arrive at the same time as Bakugou and would always be in his room if you came downstairs, or conversing with Izuku. You were currently downstairs, reading a book, nestled into the corner of the couch, loosing yourself in the wonderful world of fiction, when you heard the familiar sound of Iida's engines. Smiling a little, you look up briefly from your book to look at the class rep as he opened the door, a smile on his own face as he looked at you.

"(Y/N)! Wonderful news!" He called, coming to you with a wide smile, his glasses shinning in the light above you. "Your now allowed to join our class! You only have to pass a quirk assessment before you can officially join our ranks, but none the less, you are now able to participate in school activities. You start Monday and the uniform is supplied. Isn't that exciting?"

You smiled, wanting to actually join the class and not just read through the textbooks, to actually learn whatever they learn and to help people. But that meant more people, and twenty was your max, so over a hundred in the same building could lead to some problems. Iida must have noticed your nervousness and sat on the couch beside you, your attention going to him.

"Don't worry about talking to people." He smiled, somehow staying strict and formal with comforting. "Someone from the class will be with you the whole time to take you out of crowds to make sure you don't get stressed."

You smile and nod, still nervous, but was nice to know people were looking out for you. Iida said goodbye before going to his room to study more, making you wonder if he does anything but study. The door opened again to reveal the rest of class 1-A, with the exception of Bakugou and Todoroki. You had a conversation with Uraraka and Hagakure, then helped Kirishima, Kaminari, Aoyama and Mina study while munching on cookies that Sato baked for you.

The doors of the dorm opened when you finished the study session, and cookies, Bakugou walking into the lounge. He didn't look happy, but that didn't keep you from jumping over the couch and going to his side, smiling at him, only for him to seem more upset at your smile.

"What's wrong?" You question on the way to the elevator, tilting your head a little.

"I'll tell you in our room." He grumbled, his face holding a slightly sad expression.

The 'our' thing had been happening since you first meet the whole class, like he wanted to make a point about it. You follow him, wondering what was bothering him so much. You reached the door and walked inside, Bakugou closing the and went to the bed, sitting down on it and motioned you to sit next him. A little cautious, you go up to him and sit down, waiting for him to tell you what's upsetting him.

"Aizawa found your parents." Bakugou finally said after about ten minutes of silence, excitement going through you from the news, but the tone of his voice scared you. "Your mom was an old pro, who retired after giving birth to you. Your dad owned a cafe, that they both ran together. You were six when you went missing. They went out to look for you, both worried and wouldn't give up."

You felt a weight lift off your chest to know that you weren't abandoned by them and that they cared. The cafe also explained why you always liked the smell of coffee and fresh, baked goods. Bakugou wasn't making eye contact, and he seemed tense, unsure if he should continue. Sighing, he looked at you.

"They went out driving to search for you, since it was the fast way for your dad." He explained, seeming to not want to tell you something. "They ended up crashing into a jeep. Both dying on impact. The jeep just drove away, unscathed and unconcerned. It's believed to be intentional by the jeep, but they never found it."

Tears streaked down your cheeks at the explanation, your heart sinking, your body began to shake. Bakugou quickly wrapped his arms around you and hugged you as you cried in his shirt. You felt like this was your fault. That, if you went with them to by the ice cream, that they might still be alive. Though you don't remember much, it still hit hard, knowing your parents were killed.

Bakugou held you as you cried through the night, rubbing circles into your back and keeping you calm enough that you could breath. Exhausted from balling your eyes out, you fell asleep on him, his hand going from your back to you hair that he played with softly.

"It's not your fault." He said when you began to drift, like he was reading your mind. "The bastard in that shitty jeep is to blame on this. I swear, that whoever that shit face is, he will pay. I promise."

With that, you fell asleep in the safest place you've ever been in, your grip on his shirt loosening as you fell asleep in his arms.

Broken Wolf (Bakugou x wolf!reader)Where stories live. Discover now