Chapter 15

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You could feel the tension rise as Bakugou stared down Deku, your heartbeat racing as you waited. The boy kept on muttering about little things that would lead to the conclusion someone else was in here. Without risking showing where you were, you could only see up to their waist, but you were able to see Bakugou's hand tense and small little sparks coming from it. Deku didn't seem to notice as he continued to mumble, only stopping when Bakugou abruptly grabbed him and lifted him off the floor.

"Shut up." Bakugou growled, the smell of smoke informing you that he was singeing the others shirt. "My business is mine, and not yours, you damn nerd. So you better leave while you still can."

His voice was menacing, but you could tell that he was holding back with how tense he was.

"I didn't mean to intrude." Deku said hurriedly, his body seeming to shake with fear. "I just wanted to know if someone was here or not. I-I don't want any trouble, I was just curious."

Bakugou growled before shoving him into he wall next to the door, slamming the door closed, making the green haired boy yelp. You move closer to see fear and panic on Deku's freckled face, his eyes wide and his hands up like to protect himself. Bakugou raised his free hand, an explosion going off and made the boy cover his face, the crimson eyes of the blonde filled with hate and anger before they looked at you. They softened when seeing you, sighing and lowered his hand, still pinning Deku to the wall with his other, the boy trembling as he covered his face.

"Do you want him to know?" Bakugou mumbled under his breath, your ears twitching so you could hear, Deku not noticing as he kept his face covered.

You nod your head, not wanting to find out what would happen if you say no, Bakugou sighing again before letting of Deku. The fearful boy fell to the floor, grunting a little before he looked up at Bakugou with fear, tears pricking his eyes as he waited for pain.

"Promise not to tell anyone." Bakugou said, his body relaxing for your sake.

"W-what?" Deku asked, confused if he heard that right or not.

"Promise not to tell anyone!" Bakugou yelled, explosions coming out of his hands as he leaned over the other threateningly.

"I-I promise!" The boy yelled, covering his face and closing his eyes.

Bakugou relaxed again and looked at you, clearly holding back from hurting the boy so that you wouldn't see. Slowly, you slide out from under the bed, Deku opening his eyes in time to see you slipping out from under the bed. His arms stayed up as he watched you, his mouth open slightly, his body relaxing, eyes wide. You walk up to Bakugou and sat next to him, Deku not looking away from you, making you a little uncomfortable. A hand scratched behind your ear and you relaxed, looking up at Bakugou, your tail thumping on the floor softly behind you.

"This is (Y/n). She's been here for about a month." Bakugou said, his voice calm, his eyes trained on you as he talked. "Only half the class know about her, and she's still not okay with all of them in one room, just up to five before she gets anxious. She's been through a lot, so putting her through too much isn't a good idea."

"Y-you've been hiding a wolf?" Deku asked, his arms still raised, but were now to his chest, his eyes wide with fear.

"Not exactly." Bakugou smirked, looking at Deku. "Aizawa has permitted it along with Nezu for her to stay here, so don't go thinking I'm breaking any rules."

You take this as your cue and shift, Deku staring at you as you look down at him, offering a small, shy smile.

"Hi." You smile, not wanting him to think you were in danger.

He stood up and stared at you, his eyes wide as they studied you from your bare feet and jeans to your black t-shirt and (h/c) hair. Bakugou noticed how his eyes were studying you, growling under his breath, but waited for him to react, not wanting to make you have another panic attack. Without warning, Deku practically flew to you, making you step back, his once confused and shocked face breaking out into awe and wonder, his eyes sparkling.

"You can shift into a wolf?" He proclaimed loudly, making you wince at his sudden volume. "That's so cool. Your quirk is so awesome. How does it feel when you shift? Is there a time limit? Do you have animal instincts? Did you ever crave raw meat? Have you ever been stuck in it? What is-"

He stopped when you ducked behind Bakugou, not used to this kind of reaction, the questions coming too fast. Bakugou looked over his shoulder at you, concerned a little, but his eyes snapped to Deku, filling with anger.

"Would you just shut up." He growled, trying to keep from yelling. "Your freaking her out with your dumb ass questions."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to overwhelm her." Deku said, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's just... it's a very unique quirk to be able to shift from a human into an wolf."

"Just slow the hell down you damn nerd." Bakugou said lowly as you come out from behind him, looking at Deku.

"Sorry." He apologized, bowing before standing and offering his hand. "I'm Izuku Midoriya."

You take his hand and shake it, watching him carefully for another sudden outburst of energy, not understanding where it came from.

"So... how did you end up here?" He questioned, taking you back a little and look at the ground with a small, sad smile.

"Bakugou saved me." You admit, rubbing your arm in nervousness, since you were shy when talking to new people. "I was being forced to do dog fights and was abused by the person who 'owned' me. I shifted while in the street from my wolf to human, since I reached my limit. Bakugou saved me from that man, and has been looking after me since."

It was silent for a moment, Izuku looking between you and Bakugou in disbelief, knowing that the blonde would save others, but didn't expect him to take them in. Bakugou was more calm and relaxed with you standing in front of him than when he was earlier. Said blonde stretched and cracked his neck, looking at Deku, his gaze feeling like daggers to the green haired boy.

"Well, since that's over, leave." Bakugou calmly demanded, watching you carefully while eyeing Izuku. "Have any questions, ask shitty hair. I need to study and I can't do that while your here and talking."

"But-" Deku tried to protest, only for a single warning explosion from Bakugou make him bolt out of the room.

Bakugou sighed and shut the door before turning to you, his eyes showing how tired and angry he was, but he put aside with a smile. You smile back at him, grabbing his bag and going to his bed, opening it to see his textbooks. You liked studying with him, even though you didn't participate in class, you just found it fun.

"So what do you need to study?" You ask, like the whole ordeal never happened.

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