Chapter 23

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You guys are so AWESOME! I can't believe how man people have actually stuck to this story. So I got a picture I drew of Jiro. Not my best, but I still feel confident enough to share it. Though I can promise, Sero and Kaminari are never being shared. NEVER.

Now, to the story.

Mina had brought you a pair of clothes that were more comfortable while Recovery Girl changed your bandages. A few, bleeding and thin cuts were going down your back and sides. The rest of was fine, but moving was an issue. You just got your shirt on when you heard a loud bang, like something fell.

"(Y/n)?!" A strangely worried voice yelled out, making it hard to believe it was Bakugou.

A crash echoed through the room and silent cursing, making you smile a little. A sheet was separating you from the rest of the room so that no one saw you without a shirt on. Opening the sheet, you saw a concerned blonde, who instantly relaxed in relief. He then looked away, pink dusting his cheeks as he righted the chair he knocked over. A metal cart with medical supplies was laying on it's side not to far from him, needles, syringes, cotton and bandages now strewn over the floor.

"I thought one of those shitty bastards came back and had taken you or something." He explained sitting down in the chair and crossed his arms while leaning back.

You smile a little before walking to the bed, Recovery Girl long gone to check up on other students. Wincing, you sit down on the bed, Bakugou sitting up, ready to help you at any moment. With much pain, you laid down, turning on your left side since it had less wounds on it and didn't hurt as bad. You were facing the blonde and the window, the blonde relaxing and leaned back in his chair.

"Like they would come back." You mumble, the pain medication kicking in and making you drowsy, chuckling a little as you thought about what happened.

"What?" He asked, your eyes meeting his.

"Nothing." You reply, shifting to get a little more comfortable, closing your eyes. "But I think you might want to pick up the cart you knocked over. Recovery Girl will be really mad if she comes back to a mess."

You heard glass and metal being moved and picked up, a smile sliding across your face as you began to drift back to sleep. Bakugou finishes and looks back at your sleeping form, studying your peaceful face, a soft smile creeping onto his lips. He brought his chair as close to the bed as possible, taking your hand while you slept and gently drew small shapes and patterns with his fingertip. Some kind of feeling, familiar yet new, blossomed in his chest, but he couldn't really tell what it was.

It couldn't really be describe, but as he looked at you, his eyes trailed down to your lips that were open and slightly parted. He wanted nothing more but to feel your soft looking lips on his own, but he didn't know why. Thinking about your laugh, smile and your beautiful (e/c) eyes, the feeling in his chest grew, making his face heat up a little more. What was he feeling?

For days, you were supposed to be in bed, Recovery Girl allowing you to go to the dorms to rest and heal. Bakugou reluctantly had to go back to class, but the day went by fast for you since you slept most of the time. No nightmares came to visit, so you were grateful for that, but for some reason, you kept dreaming of Bakugou. You would be sitting alone in a dark place, like and alley or abandon building, then a wall would explode and Bakugou would come up to you and pick you up. He would carry you off, but you always woke up before you saw where, but every time you slept, it was the same.

You ate whenever you woke up, though it wasn't that often, the fight taking a major toll on you. You finally were able to go to class, but Bakugou would take your bag and carry it, and you were excused from hero training. Honestly, you were bored out of your mind. Nothing to really do but read, study and sleep. You couldn't wait for your back to heal enough so that you participate in training. You were fine with watching Bakugou in the mean time. He knew that you would be watching him, so he allowed the fights to drag out a little, but you still loved to watch him fight and use his quirk.

Something was off about him though. He seemed to be a little more hesitant around you, like he wanted to do something. Several incidents passed when he would reach toward your face, but he would pull his hand back before he did anything. He was also avoiding touching you, like he was afraid that you were going to fall apart, but you didn't like that. You wanted him to hug you. To hold your hand. To do many things that you were sure he didn't want to do. There was so much doubt that he would actually allow you to do that stuff, that you never brought it up.

Strangely, the attack didn't traumatize you. Though Bakugou would ask how you were doing ever time he came back to the dorms. You once told the odd behavior to Mina, but she only squealed and ran off, confusing you greatly. Kirishima wasn't help either, since he just would change the subject or get into a conversation with someone else. Kaminari would pretend he didn't hear you and Sero would just walk away.

What was going on? Why won't anyone answer you?

A couple days ago, after the attack on UA

" other news. UA has been attacked, yet again. Parents are stressing concerns, but only two students have been harmed. (Y/n), is a student that had joined a while ago. We don't know where she comes from, but she is-"

The TV was paused, the man sitting in his tall, red chair chuckling darkly as he sat back, picking up a picture frame.

"That's where you went." He grinned widely, looking at the picture of him and a black wolf pup, who was chained to the wall, her (e/c) eyes looking at the camera in fear. "I think it's time that I get back into the dog fighting business."

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