Chapter 2

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Just to let you know, your about 5 feet tall, so your shorter than Katsuki-kun. Sorry if your taller.

The (h/c) girl looked up at the ash blonde, then at his hand. He was starting to get impatient, but was able to fight his want to yell at the girl. She finally raised a shaking hand, the boy almost smiling as she put her closed had into his.

Before he could grab her hand though, she opened it and something laid in his hand as she quickly pulled her hand away. He looked at the leash she had placed in his hand and looked back at her, confused and angry about her giving him the leash. The (e/c) eyes of the girl were trained on the ground as she stood up shakily, revealing the bruises and scars on her body.

His expression softened more when he noticed the blood, slowly dripping down her back and the blood stained bandages wrapped around both arms and her ear. She was used to people fighting to claim her as their property, and knew to never show weakness to them on their first day. The girl tried to take a step so that she was closer to him, only to have her back flare up with pain.

She whined and fell to her knees before the spiky haired boy. He dropped the leash and she shrank a little, expecting him to either hit her or just leave her to bleed out in the alley. A warm, calloused hand touched her shoulder blades gently as a warm arm went under her legs.
She looked up to see that the boy was leaning over her. He picked up the skinny girl with ease and pulled her cold, bruised body to his warm chest. The boy now held her bridal style and began to walk out of the alley.

(Y/n) pushed into his chest a little and looked at the ground as he began to jog with her in his arms. The (h/c) girl shivered when a cool breeze touched her mostly exposed body. She looked up when the boy began to slow down, seeing the large school she would see on TV when one of her 'masters' watched with her in the room.

UA high.

It was apparently attacked by villain's a couple of months ago, but she couldn't be sure. A man with a scarf covering the bottom half of his face, wearing all black, stood on the steps. He seemed tired and annoyed, but he grew tense when he saw the girl in the blonde's arms.

"Bakugou. What happened? Where have you been?" He questioned in a tired voice that steadily got angry.

"Not now." The blonde, Bakugou, growled as he passed the man, (y/n) clutching his shirt. "I need to get her to the infirmary."

The man followed him as he speed walk through the halls of the school, the girl shaking the deeper in the building they got. Bakugou finally stopped in front of a door that he practically kicked open, revealing a short, old woman that had a syringe in her gray hair that was put up in a bun. (Y/n) clutched Bakugou's shirt tighter and buried her face in it as much as the muzzle allowed, tears of fear filling her eyes. She hated infirmaries. They intentionally hurt her by pressed on bruises hard or slapping her if she moved.

"What happened to this poor girl?" The lady asked, walking up to the trembling girl, who whimpered when she touched her.

"Someone was basically treating her as a dog." Bakugou growled lowly, his grip on the girl tightening until he noticed it only scared the girl, so he calmed down a bit. "I saw her shift from a wolf into a human. The bastard who was holding her leash threw her into an alley."

"And how exactly did you get her away from the man?" The tired man asked, Bakugou turning his head to look at him.

"I told him to leave her alone, then he tried to attack me." He smirked a little as he looked at the man. "The bastard attacked first. I was defending myself and saving the girl in the process."

Broken Wolf (Bakugou x wolf!reader)Where stories live. Discover now