Chapter 11

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Leaves twirled and danced in the wind outside as you wait for Bakugou to show up, Kirishima busy with his homework beside you. You were laying on Bakugou's bed, in your wolf form in case someone barges in, Kirishima reading through a textbook, his hand subconsciously scratching your back as he laid beside you. Today, you meet three new people, and it freaked you out a little, but knowing Bakugou and Kirishima will be there, you were able to stay calm. Your ears pricked up when you heard footsteps in the hall, tensing a little before relaxing when they went pass.

It just had to be Shoji. You were considering getting to know him so you could at least be out in the hall, but you didn't know anything about him but his name that you got from Kirishima. Relaxing, you focused on a green haired boy that had went outside and was training just outside the window. He would pause only to go to his book and check whatever was scribbled into it. When classes end, you would often see him outside, either talking to a brown haired and a blue haired guy wearing glasses, or training.

Four pair of footsteps in the hall made your ears prick up, your body tensing as you turn your head toward the door. Kirishima noticed this and looked at the door as well, watching it as Bakugou's, unmistakable voice came from the other side of the door.

"No remember, you dumb shits." Bakugou warned, your body relaxing by the protective tone in his voice. "Your not supposed to tell anyone about this, and you go in, one at a time. Understand?"

"Yeah, yeah, we get it." A girl's voice came from the other side of the door, your ears flicking back for a second to adjust to her volume.

"What is it that you want to show us anyway?" A male voice came from the door, sounding bored.

"You'll see if you shut your damn mouths!" Bakugou yelled, your tail thumping slightly as you wait. "Tape arms! You first."

"W-wait! Why me?" A different male voice said in panic, but the door opened and a black haired boy was shoved inside before the door closed.

His elbows were weirdly shaped, his black eyes looking at Bakugou with worry as he leaned on the door, his arms crossed as he watched the boy with boredom. The black haired guy, Sero, finally looked toward you and his eyes widened, making you shrink behind Kirishima a little. After a few seconds, he grinned wide, his eyes soft as he looked from your to Kirishima.

"So this is where you disappear to." He smiled, walking toward the bed slowly. "So your little secret is that you have a dog."

"Well... (Y/n) isn't a dog." Kirishima smiled, rubbing the back of his head as he sat up.

Sero was confused, but you got up and dropped from the bed before he could question it, going toward him slowly. He stretched out his hand, which you smelled briefly before letting him run his hand through your fur.

"Mr. Aizawa know about it?" Sero asked, scratching behind your ear, only for you to snap a little at his hand. "Hey! What?"

"She doesn't like being called it." Bakugou chuckled, looking at you as you back away from Sero. "Don't freak out with what happens next."

Sero looked at Bakugou with confusion before looking back at you. Taking a deep breath to calm yourself and not hide, you shift into your human form, Sero's eyes widening. You look at him with a shy smile, Kirishima now standing beside you.

"Hi." You mumble, looking at the floor as he gaped.

"Um...." He was confused again.

"It's her quirk." Kirishima smiled. "Bakugou saved her from a guy that was forcing her into dog fights. She's been here for a while."

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